
Pozitivne in negativne plati dela od doma med epidemijo
ID Koligar, Valentina (Author), ID Zupan, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo na domu je oblika dela, kjer delovni proces poteka v prostorih, ki ne spadajo med prostore delodajalca. Zakonodaja določa, da imajo delavci, ki delajo na domu, enake pravice in dolžnosti kot delavci, ki delajo v prostorih podjetja. Med dela, ki se lahko opravljajo na domu, spadajo predvsem pisarniška dela, torej delo z računalniškim zaslonom, kar predstavlja številna tveganja z vidika varnosti in zdravja pri delu. Številna podjetja bi bila v obdobju pandemije primorana, v primeru popolne prekinitve delovnega procesa, zaradi množično odrejenih karanten zaposlenih ali pomanjkanja delovnega prostora ter posledično visokih finančnih izgub, prekiniti svoje poslovanje. Implementacija dela na domu je omogočila nadaljevanje poslovanja podjetij. V diplomskem delu sem s pomočjo različnih raziskav in strokovnih člankov zbrala najpogosteje omenjene pozitivne in negativne vplive dela na domu med pandemijo in v normalnih razmerah. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov sem poskušala poiskati ukrepe, ki bi lahko pripomogli k lažjemu prehodu na delo na domu in k zmanjšanju pojavnosti negativnih vplivov tega. Slednja bi potencialno lahko delodajalcem olajšala odločitev glede uvedbe dela na domu, saj je še vedno mogoče zaznati določeno stopnjo odpora do te oblike dela, predvsem na strani delodajalcev. Pregled literaturnih virov je pokazal, da se med najpogostejšimi pozitivnimi vplivi na delavce, ki so lahko ob uvedbi ustreznih ukrepov pri prehodu na delo na domu pozitivni tudi za delodajalce, predvsem manjša potreba po prevozu na delo, večja je možnost ohranitve dela v primeru selitve podjetja ali delavca oziroma boljše zaposlitvene možnosti, večja je prilagodljivost delovnega časa ter lažje usklajevanje službenega in zasebnega življenja. Med negativnimi vplivi se pogosto pojavlja otežen nadzor nad opravljenim delom, kar je tesno povezano z oteženo organizacijo dela na domu ter s timskim delom in komunikacijo, ki lahko vodijo v različna psihosocialna tveganja, večjo pojavnost prezentizma in navsezadnje izgorelosti zaradi povečanih obremenitev, kar je za delodajalca dodaten strošek. Dolgotrajno delo na domu predstavlja tudi povečano nevarnost za razvoj različnih ergonomskih tveganj, če delovno mesto ni prilagojeno individualnim potrebam.

Keywords:delo na domu, varnost in zdravje pri delu na domu, pandemija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151900 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:174512131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The positive and negative sides of working from home during an epidemic
Working at home is a form of work where the work process takes place in premises that do not belong to the premises of the employer. Legislation determines that workers who work at home have the same rights and duties as workers who work on company premises. The work that can be done at home mainly includes office work, or in other words work with a computer screen, which presents many risks from the point of view of safety and health at work. During the pandemic period, many companies would be forced, in the event of a complete interruption of the work process, due to massively ordered quarantines of employees or a reduction in work space and consequent high financial losses, to suspend their operations. The implementation of work at home enables the continuation of business operations. In my thesis, I collected the most frequently mentioned positive and negative effects of working at home during the pandemic and in normal conditions through various researches and professional articles. Based on the collected data, I tried to find measures that could help facilitate the transition to working from home and reduce the incidence of its negative effects. The latter could potentially make it easier for employers to decide on the introduction of work at home, as there is still a certain amount of resistance to this form of work, especially on the part of employers. A review of literary sources has shown that among the most common positive impacts on workers, which can be positive for employers as well when appropriate measures are introduced when transitioning to work at home, are primarily a reduced need for transportation to work, a greater possibility of retaining work in the event of a company relocation or worker or better employment opportunities, greater flexibility of working hours and easier coordination of work and private life. Among the negative impacts, there is often a difficult control over the work done, which is closely related to difficult organizational work at home and teamwork and communication, which can lead to various psychosocial risks, a higher incidence of presenteeism and, last but not least, burnout due to increased workloads, which is for the employer additional cost. Long-term work at home also poses an increased risk for the development of various ergonomic risks if the workplace is not adapted to individual needs.

Keywords:work at home, health and safety at work at home, pandemic

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