
Vloga tožilstva pri oblikovanju kaznovalne politike : magistrsko diplomsko delo
ID Rok, Špela (Author), ID Hafner, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Državnemu tožilstvu je podeljena temeljna naloga, da kot samostojni organ v pravosodju izključno izvaja funkcijo kazenskega pregona, ki jo razumemo kot izvršilno funkcijo. Do sedanjega položaja državnega tožilstva je privedlo mnogo sprememb na področju kazenskopravne zakonodaje. Z vsako dodatno spremembo se je državnim tožilcem širilo polje pristojnosti in dodajalo nova in nova pooblastila, s čimer so tožilci pridobili moč do te mere, da jih danes razumemo kot kreatorje kazenskega postopka, hkrati pa predstavljajo dominus litis predkazenskega postopka. V zadnjem obdobju se je začela krepiti predvsem tožilska kaznovalna politika, državni tožilci pa jo s svojimi odločitvami soustvarjajo. Z namenom poenotenja delovanja državnih tožilcev je s strani generalnega državnega tožilca vsakokrat sprejeta politika pregona, ki predstavlja usmeritev reševanja kazenskih zadev in uvaja uporabo selekcijskih mehanizmov, razmah katerih je rezultat oportunitetnega načela, ki vse bolj in bolj stopa v ospredje. Skladno z ostalimi načeli kazenskega postopka je tožilec ključni usmerjevalec predkazenskega postopka, na katerem sloni obtožni akt in od katerega je kasneje odvisen tek postopka pred sodiščem. Z vsebino obtožnega akta tožilstvo sodišču postavi okvirje pri njegovem odločanju. Državni tožilci poglavitno vplivajo predvsem na uvedbo kazenskega pregona ter na izrek, po preučitvi vseh okoliščin, primerne kazenske sankcije. S tem pa se pooblastila državnega tožilca ne izčrpajo, marveč se nadaljujejo v postopku z rednimi in izrednimi pravnimi sredstvi. Ker tožilstvo deluje na vseh ravneh kazenskega postopka, je s tem pridobilo pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju kaznovalne politike.

Keywords:Državni tožilec, kaznovalna politika, predkazenski postopek, kazenski postopek, kazenski pregon, politika pregona, dominus litis, kazenska sankcija, vpliv tožilstva
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Š. Rok
Number of pages:48 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151887 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:171223299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The prosecutor's role in shaping the crime policy
The Public Prosecutor's Office is entrusted with the fundamental task of exercising as an autonomous body within the criminal justice, the exclusive function of criminal prosecution, which is understood as an executive function. This position of the Public Prosecutor's Office has been brought about by a number of changes in criminal legislation. With each additional amendment, the scope of the powers of public prosecutors has expanded and new and new powers have been added, thus strengthening the powers of public prosecutors to the extent that they are now considered to be the creators of criminal proceedings, while at the same time constituting the dominus litis in pre-trial proceedings. In particular, the prosecution's crime policy, which prosecutors co-create through their decisions, has been strengthened in recent years. In order to unify the work of public prosecutors, the State Prosecutor General adopts the prosecution policy which sets out guidelines for the handling of criminal cases and introduces the use of selection mechanisms. The development of the latter is a consequence of the principle of opportunity, which has become more and more pronounced. In line with other principles of criminal procedure, the prosecutor is the key protagonist in the pre-trial proceedings, who forms the indictment and on whom the subsequent course of the proceedings before the court depends. Through the content of the indictment, the prosecutor sets the framework for the court's decision-making. Prosecutors have the main influence on the initiation of a criminal prosecution and on the imposition of the appropriate criminal sanction after consideration of all the circumstances. This does not exhaust the prosecutor's powers, which may be further exercised through ordinary and extraordinary remedies. Since the prosecution operates at all levels of the criminal procedure, it has thus acquired an important role in shaping the crime policy.

Keywords:Public prosecutor, criminal policy, pre-trial proceedings, criminal procedure, criminal prosecution, prosecution policy, dominus litis, criminal sanction, prosecutorial influence

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