
Registracija fitofarmacevtskih sredstev v luči varstva naravne dediščine : magistrsko delo
ID Pipan, Blaž (Author), ID Toman, Mihael Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 0D283B4D57D521DC02E8DD5BD5FCFC50
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/aeb403f4-d06b-4c22-85fe-388b179849cd

V magistrski nalogi predstavijo uporabo matematičnih modelov, ki se uporabljajo za napovedovanje koncentracij aktivnih snovi fitofarmacevtskih sredstev (v nadaljevanju FFS) v tleh in pri spiranju v podtalnico. Največ se uporabljajo v procesu registracije FFS. V nalogi na primeru dveh FFS-jev Verita (aktivni snovi fosetil Al in fenamidon) in Poncho (aktivna snov klotianidin) pokažejo, da FOCUS scenariji za presojo koncentracij ne zadoščajoza slovenske razmere. Potrdijo hipotezo, da ni smiselen tudi en sam standardni slovenski scenarij. Opozorijo na dejstvo, da standardni scenariji ne pripadajo eni populaciji, gledano statistično. Izberejo dva FFS-ja: Verito in Poncho. Pokažejo, da pri obeh FFS-jih lahko nastopijo koncentracije, ki presegajo dovoljene koncentracije aktivne snovi v izcedku večkratno. Od možnihmodelov so izbrali PELMO, ker omogoča najbolj enostaven vnos lastnih vhodnih podatkov za klimo in tla. Izbrali so dve lokaciji: Tešanovci in Kogel in zanju pripravili vse potrebne vhodne podatke. Na voljo so imeli klimatske podatke za 10 zaporednih let, ki so jih po enakih postopkih kot avtorji standardnih FOCUS scenarijev razširili na 26 let. Podatki o tleh so bili pretežno kvalitativne narave in so jih morali pretvoriti v kvantitativne, ki jih zahtevajo vsi modeli. Za potrebe varstva naravne dediščine opozorijo na dejstvo, da model - PELMO omogoča zanesljivo presojo možnih koncentracij v tleh in izcedku in tako na neki izbrani lokaciji da odgovor ali izbrani FFS ogroža organizme v tleh in povzroča nedopustne koncentracije v izcedku.

Keywords:varstvo naravne dediščine, model PELMO, fitofarmacevtska sredstva, matematično modeliranje
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Pipan]
Number of pages:XIII, 94 f., [2] f. pril
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15166 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:590199 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

In the master's degree the use of mathematical models intended for predicting the concentrations of active substances in plant protection products in soil and leachate into ground water is presented (hereinafter: PPP). They are mostly used in PPP registration procedures. By using two cases of PPPs, Verita(active substances fosetil Al and fenamidon) and Poncho (active substance klotianidin), they show in the thesis that the FOCUS scenarios for appraising concentrations do not suffice taking into account the situation in Slovenia. The hypothesis that not even a single Slovene scenario is reasonableis confirmed. The fact that standard scenarios are not applied to one population is stressed. Two PPPs are selected: Verita and Poncho. It is demonstrated that with both there might be concentrations exceeding the allowed concentrations of the active substance in leachate. Among possible models PELMO was selected since it enables simple entry of input data on the climate and soil. Two locations were chosen: Tešanovci and Kogel and all the necessary input data were prepared. There were data on the climate available for ten successive years and by applying the same procedures as the authors ofthe standard FOCUS scenarios the data were expanded to a period of 26 years.The data on soil were mainly of qualitative character and therefore had to be transformed into quantitative ones required by all models. Model PELMO enables reliable assessment of potential concentrations in soil and leachate and on a selected location provides an answer to whether selected PPP's endanger the organisms in soil and cause intolerable concentrations in the leachate.

Keywords:natural heritage protection, matematical modelling, model PELMO, plant protection products

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