
Vpliv družbenih dejavnikov na športno dejavnost odraslih. Kaj me žene v športno dejavnost? : kaj me žene v športno dejavnost?
ID Kebe, Daša (Author), ID Uršič, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilji v zvezi z zdravjem so eden glavnih motivov za začetek ukvarjanja s športno dejavnostjo. Potencial fizične aktivnosti za krepitev javnega zdravja vidi tudi država, ki skuša z nacionalnimi programi vzpostaviti ugodno okolje za ukvarjanje s športom za vse ljudi. Poznavanje in razumevanje vpliva socialnih faktorjev pomaga pri oblikovanju ukrepov za povečevanje udeležbe v športnih aktivnostih pri določenih družbenih skupinah ter pri reševanju problema neenakosti v športu. Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, kateri družbeni dejavniki vplivajo na gibalno kulturo odraslih Slovencev. Z uporabo kvantitativne analize uporabim sekundarne podatke, pridobljene iz SJM raziskav. Ugotovim pozitiven preobrat v intenzivnosti telesne kulture v zadnjih letih in negativne posledice epidemije v gibalnih vzorcih Slovencev. Potrdim vpliv izobrazbe, samoocene zdravja in starosti, ne pa tudi vpliva spola in kraja bivanja. Posredno ugotovim, da se vpliv družbenih dejavnikov obnaša drugače glede na prisotnost drugih dejavnikov ter da bi bila za ustrezno umestitev kvantitativnih rezultatov v širši družbeni kontekst potrebna kvalitativna raziskava kot dopolnitev pri interpretaciji rezultatov.

Keywords:Športnorekreativna dejavnost, zdravje, sociodemografski dejavniki, Slovensko javno mnenje.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:D. Kebe
Number of pages:62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151659 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169938179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of social factors on the sports activity of adults. What drives me to sports? : diplomsko delo
Health-related goals are one of the main motivations for starting sports. The potential of physical activity to strengthen public health is also seen by the country, which is trying to establish through national programs a favorable environment for practicing sports for all people. Knowledge and understanding of the influence of social factors helps to design measures that deal with issues regarding sports participation for certain social groups and policies regarding inequality in sports. The aim of the thesis is to define which social factors influence on physical activity of adult Slovenians. Using quantitative analysis, I use secondary data obtained from Slovenian Public Opinion research. I find a positive turn in the intensity of physical culture in recent years. In that regards, a negative consequences in the Slovenian's sports activities as a consequence of the epidemic reveal. I confirm the influence of education, self-rated health status and age, but not the influence of gender and place of residence. Indirectly, I find that the influence of social factors behaves differently depending on the presence of other factors. Therefore, a qualitative research would be needed to properly place the quantitative results in a wider social context, as a supplement to the results' interpretation.

Keywords:Sports and leisure activities, health, socio-demographic factors, Slovenian Public Opinion.

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