
Vpliv dolžine smučarskega skoka na ocene za slog : magistrsko delo
ID Družina, Jan (Author), ID Jošt, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 84EBB5AC534462E1AA2E82E0A970DF54

Osnovni namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti osnovne statistične značilnosti izbranih spremenljivk smučarjev skakalcev in njihovo medsebojno povezanost z dolžino skoka v celotni sezoni svetovnega pokala v smučarskih skokih leta 2021/22. Poudarek je bil predvsem na povezanosti sodniških ocen z dolžino skoka. Podatki za analizo so bili pridobljeni na spletnih straneh Mednarodne smučarske zveze, medtem ko je bila sodniška analiza pridobljena s pomočjo Mednarodne smučarske zveze od podjetja, ki vodi evidenco podatkov na svetovnem pokalu v smučarskih skokih. V analizi je bilo upoštevanih 36 tekmovanj in posledično 72 tekmovalnih serij, kar zajema večino smučarske skakalne sezone v letih 2021/22. V prvi tekmovalni seriji nastopi 50 tekmovalcev in v finalni 30, kar skupno pomeni 2880 smučarskih skokov, upoštevanih v raziskovalni nalogi. Za vse skoke so bile pridobljene dolžine skokov in sodniške ocene. Namen raziskovalne naloge je bil v prvi fazi potrditi opažanja, da med dolžino skoka in sodniškimi ocenami obstoja dokaj visoka povezanost, ki se je pojavila tako v prvi, kot v drugi seriji. Uporabljene so bile metode osnovne statistike za pridobitev aritmetične sredine, standardnega odklona, minimalne in maksimalne vrednosti ter števila merjencev. Povezanost med spremenljivkama je bila določena s Pearsonovim koeficientom korelacije. Ugotovljena je bila visoka in večinoma značilna povezanost med spremenljivkami dolžine skokov in sodniškimi ocenami za slog. Daljše skoke so na splošno sodniki ocenili z višjimi ocenami za slog. V drugi fazi raziskovalne naloge so bili določeni intervali oddaljenosti od točke velikosti skakalnice, in sicer od 6 % dolžine krajše od HS točke pa do 4 % daljše od HS točke. Od 2880 skokov je bilo v teh intervalih 515 skokov, ki so dosegli kriterije in so bili upoštevani v drugi fazi raziskovalne naloge. Za teh 515 skokov so bili pridobljeni posamezni odbitki za let, doskok in vožnjo v iztek od vsakega posameznega sodnika posebej. Z osnovno statistično analizo je bila pridobljena aritmetična sredina sodniških odbitkov v vsakem intervalu posebej. Nato je bila izračunana korelacija med povprečnimi sodniškimi odbitki z namenom, da se ugotovi, ali se odbitki za let, doskok in vožnjo v iztek zaradi ekstremene dolžine skokov značilno spremenijo. Povezanost med sodniškimi odbitki po posameznih fazah ocenjevanja znotraj določenih intervalov ekstremne dolžine skoka ni bila v celoti statistično značilna. Z ekstremno dolgimi skoki se kaže trend povečanih sodniških odbitkov v fazi doskoka, medtem ko se odbitki za let in vožnjo v iztek bistveno ne spreminjajo. Pri ekstremno dolgih skokih so tekmovalci izpostavljeni velikemu pritisku ob doskoku in to jim preprečuje varno izvedbo doskoka v telemark.

Keywords:Smučarski skoki, sodniške ocene, odbitek za let, odbitek za doskok, odbitek za vožnjo v iztek
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151639 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:173232643 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of the length of the ski jump on the style marks
The primary purpose of the thesis was to determine the basic statistical characteristics of the selected variables of ski jumpers and their interactions with the length of the ski jump in the ski jumping world cup season 2021/22. The main focus was mostly on colleration between ski jumping judges marks and the distance of the jump. Data for the analysis was gathered on the webpages of international ski federation, while the ski jumping judges analysis was gathered in cooperation with international ski federation, from the company that runs the database of ski jumping world cup. In the analysis was used 36 competitions that were concluded with 72 rounds, which sums up almost the entire ski jumping season in year 2021/22. In first competition round there are 50 competitors on the start, followed by 30 in the final round, which all together means 2880 jumps, that were included in this thesis. Distances and ski jumping judges marks were gathered for all those jumps. The purpose of this thesis in the first phase was to confirm the observations about high colleration between the distance of the jump and the style marks in every competition round. Basic methods of the statistics were used, to gather the results of mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value and the number of the participants. Correlation between those two variables was a result of Pearson corellation coefficient. High and mostly significant colleration was found between the length of the jump and the style marks of the judges. Longer jumps were mainly marked with higher style marks of the judges. In the second phase of experimental thesis there were determined the intervals of different distances moving away from the hill size point. There were 10 intervals, starting 6% shorter than HS point and finishing 4% longer than HS point. Out of 2880 ski jumps, there were 515 ski jumps in that area and those were included in the second part of the thesis. For those 515 ski jumps there were gathered deductions for flight phase, landing phase and transition to the outrun phase from each of the judges. With basic statistics analysis there was gathered mean of ski jumping judges deductions for each interval itself. With further analysis, the results of the colleration between judges deductions in the different intervals of the distance were gathered. Purpose was to prove, that the deductions in flight, landing and transition to outrun phase are changing, with the extreme distance of the jumps. The colleration between judges deductions for flight, landing and transition to outrun in different intervals of the extreme length of the jump, was not entirely statistically significant. With the extreme ski jumps, there are increased judges deductions in the phase of landing, while the deductions for the phase of flight and transition to the outrun are not changing.

Keywords:Ski jumping, judges points, flight deduction, landing deduction, deduction for the transition to the outrun

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