
Optimizacija sferoidizacijskega žarjenja jekla 50Mn7 : magistrsko delo
ID Operčkal, Neja (Author), ID Karpe, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sferoidizacijsko žarjenje je toplotna obdelava, katere namen je sprememba morfologije cementita (Fe3C) v perlitu iz lamelarne v sferično, s tem pa se izboljša preoblikovalnost jekla ter obdelovalnost z odrezovanjem. Cilj magistrskega dela je bila optimizacija sferoidizacijskega žarjenja jekla 50Mn7 z namenom, da bi lahko skrajšali čas žarjenja in ob tem dosegali višji delež sferoidizacije. V okviru raziskave smo ugotavljali, kako izhodiščna mikrostruktura jekla pred sferoidizacijskim žarjenjem vpliva na hitrost sferoidizacije in doseženo trdoto. V prvi fazi smo z dilatometrično metodo določili premenske temperaturne točke Ac1, Ac3, Ar3 in Ar1, na podlagi katerih smo nato izbrali različne režime toplotne obdelave jekla. Pripravili in analizirali smo vzorce z izhodiščnimi mikrostrukturami: valjano, normalizirano, kaljeno s temperature 800 °C (martenzit), kaljeno z dvofaznega področja 740 °C (martenzit-ferit), ter izotermno transformirano v bainit z gašenjem s temperature 900 °C v solni kopeli s temperaturo 370 °C in izotermnim zadrževanjem 20 minut. Iz mikroskopskih analiz ugotavljamo, da se med sferoidizacijskim žarjenjem pod temperaturo Ac1 najpočasneje sferoidizira vroče valjana struktura, najhitreje pa se sferoidizirajo kaljene ter v bainit transformirane strukture. Pri slednjih bomo dobili tudi najbolj drobne cementitne delce, ki bodo homogeno razporejeni po celotnih kristalnih zrnih. Problem pri krajših časih sferoidizacijskega žarjenja pod temperaturo Ac1 kaljene in bainitne strukture pa je previsoka končna trdota jekla. V kolikor izvajamo sferoidizacijo bainitne ali kaljene strukture dvostopenjsko, s kratkotrajnim žarjenjem nad temperaturo Ac1 in nato žarjenjem tik pod temperaturo transformacije avstenita v proevtektoidni ferit (Ar3') pa se bo trdota znatno znižala že po 10 urah žarjenja. S tem namreč spremenimo mehanizem sferoidizacije cementita, kar vodi v povečanje velikost kristalnih zrn kot cementitnih delcev, ki bodo izločeni predvsem po mejah kristalnih zrn. Pri cikličnem žarjenju imajo tako zgornja kot spodnja temperatura intervala, kot tudi hitrost segrevanja/ohlajanja zelo velik vpliv na sferoidizacijo cementita. Pri segrevanju nad Ac1 namreč ne sme priti do popolne avstenitizacije, ker bomo v nasrotnem ponovno dobili grobe cementitne delce izločene po mejah kristalnih zrn ali pa se nam bo tvoril lamelarni perlit. V kolikor pa se cementitne lamele le delno raztopijo, bodo predstavljale kali za izločanje cementita ter rast v obliki sferičnih delcev. Natančno izbrana in kontrolirana temperatura sferoidizacijskega žarjenja ima ključno vlogo za zagotavljanje visokega deleža sferoidizacije v kratkem času.

Keywords:sferoidizacijsko žarjenje, zrnati perlit, jeklo 50Mn7, dilatometrija, meritve trdote
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Operčkal
Number of pages:XIX, 51 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151630 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168600067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2023
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Title:Optimization of spheroidization annealing of 50Mn7 steel : master's thesis
Spheroidization annealing is a heat treatment process aimed at changing the morphology of the cementite (Fe3C) in pearlite from lamellar to spherical, thereby improving the formability of the steel and its machinability. The objective of the master thesis was to optimize the spheroidization annealing of 50Mn7 steel in order to reduce the annealing time while achieving a higher spheroidization percentage. We investigated how the initial microstructure of the steel before spheroidization annealing affects the rate of spheroidization and the hardness achieved. In the first phase, we used the dilatometric method to determine the transformation temperature points Ac1, Ac3, Ar3, and Ar1. Based on these points, we selected different heat treatment regimes for the steel. We prepared and analyzed samples with different initial microstructures: hot rolled, normalized, quenched from 800 °C (martensite), quenched from the two-phase region at 740 °C (martensite-ferrite), and isothermally transformed into bainite by quenching from 900 °C in a salt bath at 370 °C with an isothermal holding time of 20 minutes. Microscopic analyses revealed that during spheroidization annealing below the Ac1 temperature, the hot-rolled microstructure spheroidizes most slowly, while the martensite and bainite structures spheroidize most rapidly, with the smallest cementite particles, homogeneously distributed in the crystal grains. However, a challenge with shorter spheroidization times below the Ac1 temperature for quenched and bainite structures is the excessively high final hardness of the steel. Two-step spheroidization of bainitic or martensite structures with short annealing above the Ac1 temperature followed by annealing just below the austenite transformation temperature into proeutectoid ferrite (Ar3') significantly reduces the hardness after only 10 hours of annealing. However, in this case, both the grain size and cementite particle size will increase significantly. In cyclic annealing, both the upper and lower temperatures of the interval and the heating/cooling rate have a very large effect on the spheroidization of the cementite. Heating above Ac1 should not result in complete austenitization, as the partially undissolved cementite particles provide the nuclei for their continued spheroidal growth. A precisely selected and controlled annealing temperature for spheroidization plays a crucial role in achieving a high spheroidization percentage in a short time.

Keywords:spheroidization annealing, granular pearlite, steel 50Mn7, dilatometry, hardness measurements

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