
Umetna inteligenca in delovno pravo
ID Nemac, Lara (Author), ID Tičar, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga predstavlja pregled ključnih izzivov in priložnosti, povezanih z uporabo umetne inteligence v delovnem okolju. Ker je umetna inteligenca izkazala svojo sposobnost za optimizacijo delovnih procesov z avtomatizacijo rutinskih nalog in s povečanjem splošne delovne učinkovitosti, jo delodajalci vse bolj vključujejo v različne faze (sklepanja, trajanja in prekinitve) delovnega razmerja, vendar pa njena uvedba ni brez tveganj. V magistrski nalogi so uvodoma obravnavani pravni viri, nadalje pa pravni položaj delavcev, predvsem z vidika pravice do zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov, pravice do izobraževanja ter pravica do varnosti in zdravja pri delu. Predstavljena je tudi hipoteza, da trenutna normativna ureditev v Republiki Sloveniji ne zagotavlja zadostnega varstva pravic delavcev na delovnih mestih, pri katerih je oziroma bi bila vključena umetna inteligenca z učinki na njihovo delovno razmerje. Jedro magistrske naloge se tudi osredotoča na oris tveganj uvajanja umetne inteligence na trg dela, povezanih s pristranskostjo, dehumanizacijo, prekoračenim nadzorom in obdelavo velike količine osebnih podatkov. V tej luči so analizirana trenutna pravna pravila, opremljena s povzetki sodne prakse ter opombo o njihovi primernosti. Magistrska naloga poudarja pomembnost jasne in celovite pravne ureditve za zagotavljanje zaščite temeljnih pravic delavcev v kontekstu uvajanja umetne inteligence na trg dela.

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, delovno pravo, varstvo osebnih podatkov, nadzor delavcev, pristranskost, avtomatizirano odločanje, izbira kandidata, transparentnost, algoritem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151611 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169448707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.10.2023
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Title:Artificial intelligence and labour law
The master's thesis provides an overview of the pivotal challenges and opportunities associated with the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace. As AI has demonstrated its capability to optimize work processes through the automation of routine tasks and enhancing overall work efficiency, employers are increasingly integrating it into various stages of the employment relationship, including its inception, duration, and termination. However, the introduction of AI is not without risks. Initially, the thesis addresses the legal sources, followed by a discussion on the legal status of employees, particularly from the perspective of the right to privacy and data protection, the right to education, and the right to safety and health at work. The thesis also posits that the current regulatory framework in the Republic of Slovenia does not sufficiently safeguard the rights of employees in positions where AI has been or could be incorporated, impacting their employment relationship. The core of the master's thesis delves into outlining the risks of introducing AI into the labour market, associated with biases, dehumanization, excessive surveillance, and the processing of vast amounts of personal data. In this context, the existing legal rules are analysed, supplemented with summaries of judicial precedents and remarks on their appropriateness. The thesis emphasizes the importance of a clear and comprehensive legal framework to ensure the protection of the fundamental rights of workers in the context of introducing AI into the labour market.

Keywords:artificial intelligence, labour law, personal data protection, employee monitoring, bias, automated decision-making, candidate selection, transparency, algorithm

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