
Profesionalni razvoj učiteljev v Gambiji in uporaba didaktičnih pripomočkov pri poučevanju osnov matematike ter učni pomoči : magistrsko delo
ID Dobrovoljc, Nika (Author), ID Valenčič Zuljan, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Plešec Gasparič, Romina (Comentor)

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En sklop učiteljevih kompetenc se nanaša na profesionalni razvoj. Učitelj se izpopolnjuje in nadgrajuje svoje znanje, pridobiva spretnosti, osvetljuje in spreminja svoja stališča sam ob spodbujanju drugih, z lastnim izobraževanjem in aktivnim sodelovanjem v procesu izobraževanja in reflektiranja pedagoške prakse. Pomembno je, da učitelj z zavzemanjem za lastni profesionalni razvoj spreminja svojo prakso poučevanja, kar lahko doseže le z refleksijo svojega ravnanja in svojih pojmovanj, pri čemer imajo situacije kognitivnih konfliktov pomembno vlogo. Učitelj se torej z leti poklicnega delovanja in izkušnjami profesionalno razvija, kar mu omogoča lažje soočanje z izzivi poučevanja matematičnih osnov in z učenci, ki potrebujejo učno pomoč pri matematiki. Otrok se z matematičnimi osnovami sreča že v predšolskem obdobju, ki je zanj ključno, saj vpliva na njegov nadaljnji matematični razvoj in njegovo uspešnost pri matematiki. Pomembno je, da ima otrok v predšolskem obdobju zato čim več izkušenj s števili in štetjem ter da v tem obdobju pridobi »občutek«, da je matematika zanj smiselna. Otroci, ki tega občutka ne pridobijo, imajo kasneje pri matematiki velikokrat učne težave. Da učitelj otrokom lahko pomaga, mora odkriti vzrok težav ter znati prilagoditi lastno poučevanje – učne metode in oblike. Pri tem mu pomaga razvoj lastne metodične kompetence ter didaktični načeli učne diferenciacije in individualizacije. Učitelj mora lastno poučevanje med drugim prilagajati tudi učencem iz manj spodbudnega učnega okolja, ki je lahko posledica različnih razlogov, npr. revščine. Ena izmed operacijsko-praktičnih učnih metod, ki učitelju lahko olajša poučevanje osnovnih matematičnih konceptov in omogoča, da so učenci pri usvajanju novih znanj aktivni, je učna metoda igre, ki povezuje tako igro kot učenje. Ključno je, da se učitelj zaveda njenih prednosti in omejitev ter jo ustrezno dopolnjuje z ostalimi učnimi metodami. Učitelj pri poučevanju uporablja predvsem didaktične igre, katerih cilj je, da učenec usvoji določene učne cilje izbrane vsebine. Ena izmed zagovornic povezovanja igre in učenja je bila tudi Maria Montessori. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila kompetence učiteljev in bolj podrobno opisala sklop, ki se nanaša na učiteljev profesionalni razvoj. V nadaljevanju sem se osredotočila na poučevanje osnov matematike in posledično na pojav učnih težav pri matematiki. Za uspešno izvajanje učne pomoči so pomembne učiteljeva metodična kompetenca ter učna diferenciacija in individualizacija. V nadaljevanju sem se bolj podrobno osredotočila tudi na učno metodo igre ter jo povezala z didaktično igro in z didaktičnimi pripomočki, pri tem pa predstavila tudi montessori materiale. V zadnjem delu sem opisala šolanje v Gambiji, in sicer v nespodbudnih okoljih, ki zahtevajo zmožnost učiteljevega prilagajanja procesa poučevanja. V empiričnem delu sem v prvem delu izvedla kvalitativno raziskavo o profesionalnem razvoju učiteljev, v kateri sem izpeljala pet intervjujev z učiteljicami v Gambiji, v drugem delu pa sem s pomočjo didaktičnih pripomočkov vpeljala spremembe v proces poučevanja. V dopoldanskem času sem poučevala osnove matematike v mali šoli (v karierno-izobraževalnem centru), v popoldanskem času pa nudila in izvajala učno pomoč izbranim otrokom. Z raziskavo sem poskušala ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri gambijske učiteljice glede na lastno oceno dosegajo didaktično in metodično kompetenco ter kako ocenjujejo in opredeljujejo lastni profesionalni razvoj. Ugotovila sem, da imajo učiteljice metodično kompetenco dobro razvito ter da so jo v procesu izobraževanja razvijale s praktičnim usposabljanjem in z nastopi. Metodično kompetenco opredeljujejo kot učiteljevo delovanje in poučevanje v razredu, kot skupek idej, učnih metod in aktivnosti, ki jih uporabljajo za poučevanje otrok. Izjemno pomemben se jim zdi tudi učiteljev profesionalni razvoj, s katerim pomembno prispevajo k razvoju otrok. Skozi sámo poučevanje sem ugotovila, da so didaktični pripomočki učencem usvajanje nove snovi olajšali. Učenci so si določene stvari hitreje zapomnili in ob pomoči didaktičnih pripomočkov lažje izvajali samostojno delo. Pri pouku so bili dlje skoncentrirani in motivirani za delo. Ugotovila sem, da je pomembno, da so didaktični pripomočki preprosti in natančno izdelani.

Keywords:profesionalni razvoj, gambijski učenci, učna pomoč, didaktični pripomočki, osnove matematike
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Dobrovoljc
Number of pages:63 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151496 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-151496 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:167965187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Professional Development of Teachers in The Gambia and the Use of Didactic aids in Elementary Mathematics Teaching and Learning Assistance
One set of teacher competences relates to professional development. Teachers improve and develop their knowledge, acquire skills, illuminate and change their own views, encouraged by others, through their own learning and active participation in the process of education and reflection on pedagogical practice. It is important that the teacher changes his teaching practice through a commitment to his own professional development, which can only be achieved by reflecting on his own behaviour and conceptions, in which situations of cognitive conflict play an important role. A teacher therefore develops professionally over the years of professional practice and experience, which enables him to better meet the challenges of teaching basic mathematics and of dealing with students who need learning support in mathematics. A child's exposure to the basics of mathematics in pre-school is crucial, as it influences the child's future mathematical development and performance in mathematics. It is therefore important that the child has as much experience as possible with numbers and counting in the pre-school years, and that it is during this period that he gets a »feeling« that mathematics is meaningful to him. Children who do not get this feeling often have learning difficulties in mathematics later on. To help children, teachers need to identify the cause of the difficulties and be able to adapt their own teaching-teaching methods and formats. The development of their own methodological competence and the didactic principle of differentiation and individualisation of teaching help them to do this. Teachers must also adapt their own teaching to, among other things, students from less supportive learning environments, which may be due to a variety of reasons, such as poverty. One of the operational-practical teaching methods that can facilitate the teacher's teaching of basic mathematical concepts and allow students to be active in learning new skills is the play method, which combines both play and learning. The key is for the teacher to be aware of its strengths and limitations and to complement it appropriately with other teaching methods. In particular, the teacher uses didactic games in teaching, the aim of which is for the pupil to master the specific learning objectives of the chosen content. Maria Montessori was one of the advocates of the integration of play and learning. In the theoretical part, I defined the competences of teachers and described in more detail one strand related to teachers' professional development. In the following part, I focused on the teaching of basic mathematics and, consequently, on the emergence of learning difficulties in mathematics. Teachers' methodological competence and teaching differentiation and individualisation are important for the successful implementation of learning support. In the following, I have also focused in more detail on the teaching method of play, linking it to didactic play and teaching aids, while also presenting Montessori materials. In the last part, I have described schooling in The Gambia, in a non-conducive environment that requires the teacher's ability to adapt the teaching process. In the empirical part, I conducted a qualitative study on teachers' professional development in the first part, in which I conducted five interviews with female teachers in The Gambia, and in the second part, I introduced changes in the teaching process with the help of teaching aids. In the morning I taught basic mathematics in a preschool (career and education centre) and in the afternoon I provided and implemented learning support to selected children. Through the research I tried to find out to what extent Gambian teachers achieve didactic and methodological competence according to their self-evaluation, and how they evaluate and define their own professional development. I found that teachers have well-developed methodological competence and that they have developed it through practical training and performances during the training process. They define methodological competence as the teacher's action and teaching in the classroom, as the set of ideas, teaching methods and activities they use to teach children. They also consider teachers' professional development to be extremely important, as it makes a significant contribution to children's development. Through my own teaching, I have found that the teaching aids have made it easier for students to learn new material. Students remembered things more quickly and were able to work independently more easily with the help of the teaching aids. They were able to concentrate and stay motivated for longer in lessons. I found that it was important to keep the teaching aids simple and well-made.

Keywords:professional development, Gambian students, learning support, teaching aids, basic mathematics

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