
Supervizija kot metoda preprečevanja poklicne izgorelosti pri pedagoških delavcih : magistrsko delo
ID Ćorić, Anja (Author), ID Vec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rupnik Vec, Tanja (Comentor)

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Pedagoški poklici so uvrščeni med bolj stresne, ogroženost za izgorevanje je velika. Delo pedagoških delavcev označujejo visoke delovne obremenitve in razpršene delovne naloge, saj so njihove delovne naloge vezane tako na otroke/učence, kot na starše in administrativna dela. Vpeti pa so tudi v večje kolektive, kar prinaša s seboj dodatne izzive. Še bolj kot samo delovno mesto pa na spoprijemanje s stresom in poklicno izgorelost vplivajo individualne razlike ter drugi dejavniki. Dejavnikom stresa in stresnim situacijam se ne da preprosto izogniti ali jih izvzeti, zato je pomembno razviti določene strategije oziroma lastnosti, ki pomagajo pri spoprijemanju, supervizija pa predstavlja prav eno od takšnih metod oziroma oblik skupinskega dela za razvoj strokovnega delavca. Osnovna raziskovalna tema naloge je vprašanje učinkovitosti supervizije kot metode obvladovanja stresa in preprečevanja poklicne izgorelosti. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je vključenost v supervizijski proces pomemben dejavnik pri uspešnosti spoprijemanja s stresom in manjši poklicni izgorelosti pedagoških delavcev. V ta namen smo izvedli kvantitativno raziskavo, podatke smo zbrali s spletnim vprašalnikom, v katerega smo vključili osnovna vprašanja o udeleženosti v supervizijskem procesu, Lestvico zaznane poklicne izgorelosti (Penko, 1994), Vprašalnik strategij spoprijemanja s stresom COPE Brief (Carver, 1997) in nekaj osnovnih podatkov o udeležencih. V analizah smo primerjali 100 pedagoških delavcev, ki so se v zadnjih petih letih udeležili skupinske supervizije (ki jo je izvajal zunanji strokovnjak – supervizor), in 100 pedagoških delavcev, ki se supervizije niso udeležili. Rezultati kažejo statistično pomembno razliko v izgorelosti glede na spol; ženske dosegajo višji rezultat pri pogostosti in intenziteti doživljanja čustvene izčrpanosti. Nadalje smo ugotovili, da ne obstaja statistično pomembna razlika v poklicni izgorelosti med pedagoškimi delavci, ki so obiskovali supervizijo, in tistimi, ki niso. Kot smo ugotavljali v nadaljevanju, so bolj pomembni drugi dejavniki; nekatere smo izpostavili tudi v naši raziskavi (npr. število let obiskovanja supervizije, število srečanj supervizijske skupine v posameznem letu). Prav tako ni pomembnih razlik v aktivnem spoprijemanju s stresom, smo pa dokazali pomembno razliko v strategijah izogibanja – pedagoški delavci, ki so obiskovali supervizijo, imajo pomembno nižje izražene strategije izogibanja. Manj izražene strategije izogibanja pa napovedujejo manjšo stopnjo zaznane poklicne izgorelosti na vseh dimenzijah. Supervizant v procesu supervizije dobi prostor in priložnost, da svoje probleme izpostavi, uporablja manj strategij izogibanja stresnim situacijam, kar rezultira v izboljšanju vseh vidikov zaznane poklicne izgorelosti. Pri tem ni pomembna samo vključenost v supervizijski proces, ampak tudi drugi dejavniki. Večletna vključenost v supervizijski proces rezultira v zmanjšanju doživljanja čustvene izčrpanosti ter pripomore k povečanju aktivnega spoprijemanja s stresnimi situacijami. Večje število srečanj supervizijske skupine v posameznem šolskem letu vpliva na večjo intenziteto doživljanja osebne izpolnitve.

Keywords:supervizija, razvojno-edukativni model, stres, izgorelost, strategije spoprijemanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Ćorić
Number of pages:VIII, 81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151489 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-151489 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168064771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Supervision as a Method of Preventing Professional Burnout in Teaching Staff
Educational occupations are considered one of the most stressful occupations with high risk of burnout. Educational workers have high workloads and diverse work tasks, which consist of work with children, parents, and administrative work as well. These workers are also parts of bigger work groups which can also present an extra challenge. How one copes with stress and burnout is influenced not only by the work itself, but also by individual differences and other factors. One cannot just avoid or ignore stress factors and stressful situations. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop strategies and characteristics which help with coping with stress. Supervision in one of those methods or group work forms, which can help in the development of a professional. The focus of this thesis is the question how efficient supervision is as a stress coping method and burnout prevention tool. We have tried to assess whether inclusion in the process of supervision is a relevant factor in successful coping with stress and reduction of burnout of educational workers. We have conducted a quantitative analysis with data collected with an online questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of basic questions about taking part in a supervision process, adapted version of Maslach Burnout Inventory (Penko, 1994), a Brief-COPE questionnaire about coping with stress (Carver, 1997) and some basic data about the participants. In the analyses we compared the data of 100 educational workers, that have been a part of a group supervision in the last five years (provided by an external specialist – supervisor) and 100 educational workers, that have never taken part in supervision. The results show a statistically important difference in burnout based on gender; women tend to have a higher level and intensity of emotional exhaustion. Furthermore, we have established, that there is no statistically significant difference in burnout in educational workers who have taken part in a supervision process and those, who have not attended such activities. We have concluded that other factors are of greater importance and have also highlighted some of those in our research (for example the number of years one has taken part in supervision, the number of times the supervision group has met in a year). We have not seen a meaningful difference in active coping with stress, we have however managed to establish a paramount disparity in avoidance strategies; educational workers that have taken part in supervision have a significantly lower level of avoidance strategies. The lesser the tendencies are to use avoidance strategies, the lower the chances of burnout across all dimensions. The supervision process gives the supervisee a space and opportunity to voice his problems and use less avoidance strategies in stressful situations. This results in overall improvement and reduction of burnout. Other factors also impact this, not just supervision. A longstanding inclusion in supervision results in the reduction of emotional exhaustion and helps increase active coping with stressful situations. A higher number of meetings of the supervision group in a school year impacts the intensity of experiencing personal fulfilment.

Keywords:supervision, developmental-educational model, stress, burnout, coping strategies

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