
Mednarodnopravna opredelitev pravice do zdravega življenjskega okolja v podnebnih sodbah : magistrsko diplomsko delo
ID Golja, Monja (Author), ID Kovič Dine, Maša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Degradacija okolja, onesnaženost zraka in vode, ogrožena prehranska varnost in propadanje ekosistemov so le nekatere od posledic podnebnih sprememb. Vse to negativno vpliva na uživanje človekovih pravic, npr. pravice do življenja ali pravice do zdravja. Logičen odgovor na to je uveljavitev pravice do zdravega življenjskega okolja. Ta je zapisana že v mnogih ustavah in nacionalnih zakonodajah ter nekaterih regionalnih mednarodnih dokumentih, leta 2022 pa jo je v Resoluciji 76/300 priznala tudi Generalna skupščina ZN. Ker države te pravice pogosto ne varujejo skladno s svojimi obveznostmi, so posamezniki začeli vlagati podnebne tožbe za uveljavitev svoje pravice do zdravega življenjskega okolja. Gre za tožbe, vložene predvsem pred nacionalnimi sodišči, s katerimi posamezniki od držav zahtevajo ukrepanje in spoštovanje zavez glede varovanja okolja in blažitev podnebnih sprememb. Podnebne tožbe so se v nekaj odmevnih primerih izkazale za učinkovito, vendar zapleteno možnost naslavljanja kršitev človekove pravice do zdravega življenjskega okolja, predvsem zaradi strateških tožb in posledično odmevnih sodb pa se je vlaganje takih tožb še povečalo. Pravico do zdravega okolja različna sodišča interpretirajo različno, vseeno pa obstajajo enotni elementi, na podlagi katerih bi lahko v prihodnosti dosegli enotno definicijo pravice do zdravega življenjskega okolja in jo na mednarodni ravni ustrezno zaščitili. Analiza pravice do zdravega življenjskega okolja v podnebnih sodbah predstavlja enega od mnogih zornih kotov, ki sestavljajo sistem zaščite okolja in človekove pravice do zdravega življenjskega okolja.

Keywords:pravica do zdravega življenjskega okolja, podnebne spremembe, zdravo okolje, podnebne sodbe, mednarodno pravo človekovih pravic, mednarodno okoljsko pravo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Golja
Number of pages:X, 61 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151457 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:170209027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:International legal definition of the right to a healthy environment in climate judgments
The degradation of the environment, air and water pollution, threatened food security, and the decay of ecosystems are just a few consequences of climate change. All of this negatively impacts the enjoyment of human rights, such as the right to life or right to health. The logical answer is the establishment of the right to a healthy environment. This right is already written in many constitutions and national legal systems, as well as in some regional international documents. In 2022 the General Assembly of the UN recognized the right in their Resolution 76/300. As states often fail to protect this right in accordance with their obligations, individuals started filing climate lawsuits to address their right to a healthy environment. Climate lawsuits are primarily filed in national courts, where individuals demand prompt action and the fulfillment of their duties regarding environmental protection and the mitigation of climate change. The past few high-profile climate cases showed that climate litigation is an effective, but complicated form of addressing the violations of the right to a healthy environment. Lately numerous climate lawsuits were filed, mostly due to the strategic lawsuits and consequently notorious judgments. Different courts interpret the right to a healthy environment differently, yet there are still some shared elements that could serve as a foundation for a potential unified definition of the right to a healthy environment in the future, along with adequate protection on an international level. The analysis of the right to a healthy environment in climate judgments is one of the many aspects of the system of environmental protection and the human right to a healthy environment.

Keywords:right to a healthy environment, climate change, healthy environment, climate judgments, human rights law, international environmental law

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