
Analiza uporabnikov spletnega foruma FDV-jevka : diplomsko delo
ID Kuhar, Kaja (Author), ID Žiberna, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ljudje smo družabna bitja, kar se odraža v kompleksnosti naših medsebojnih odnosov. »Velik del stališč in mnenj se oblikuje, vzdržuje ali spreminja prav v odnosih in interakcijah posameznika z zanj pomembnimi ljudmi (partnerjem, bližnjimi sorodniki, prijatelji itd.).« (Kogovšek in Ferligoj 2003, str. 129). V diplomskem delu se bom osredotočila na medsebojne odnose v spletnem forumu FDV-jevka, ki jih definiramo z relacijo, uporabnike pa s točkami. Forum FDV-jevka vključuje več podomrežij, sama pa sem analizirala le tri. Ta podomrežja so: omrežje citiranj, reply to omrežje in net to first author omrežje. V analizo je bilo vključenih 1236 uporabnikov, ki predstavljajo enote oziroma točke v omrežjih, medsebojni odnosi pa so prikazani z relacijami med njimi. Z orodjem za analizo velikih omrežij Pajek, sem izračunala več mer središčnosti in pomembnosti. Nadaljnje sem s pomočjo progama SPSS izračunala Pearsonovo korelacijsko matriko med merjenimi spremenljivkami. Na koncu sledi še metoda glavnih komponent, ki analizira medsebojno soodvisnost spremenljivk. Cilj diplomskega dela je najti najpomembnejše akterje v omrežju FDV-jevka in ugotoviti katere izračunane mere pripomorejo k temu. Poiskala bom ljudi, ki izstopajo zaradi visoke središčnosti in podpore.

Keywords:socialno omrežje, spletni forum, središčnost in pomembnost, ključni akterji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Kuhar
Number of pages:98 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151450 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168741891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Social network analysis of key actors of online forum FDV-jevka
Human beings are social beings, what is reflected in relationships. Their views and opinions form and change during interactions with people they care about (partner, relatives, friends, etc.) (Kogovšek in Ferligoj 2003, p. 129) In my work i will focus on interpersonal relationships in the FDV-jevka forum. I will analyze three subnetworks which are quotation, reply to and net to first author subnetworks. 1236 people have been analyzed, who are represented as dots in the network, whereas the lines represent interpersonal relationships. With the help of the analytics tool Pajek i calculated multiple measures of centrality and prominence. Further on i used the statistical software platform SPSS to calculate Pearsons corelation matrix for the measured variables. Finally the principal component method was used to analyzed intersubject corelation variables. The goal of this thesis work is to find the most important actors in FDV-jevka network and to determine, which calculated measures help to achieve this. Another goal of this work is to notice the members with the highest support and centrality.

Keywords:social network, online forum, centrality and prominence, key actors

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