
Pristop Focus on Form v učbenikih angleščine in španščine kot tujih jezikov na slovenskih srednjih šolah
ID Kerec, Zala (Author), ID Burazer, Lara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Santiago Alonso, Gemma Maria (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se ukvarja s pristopom poučevanja in učenja jezika focus on form, uporabo katerega v učilnicah tujega jezika omogočajo različne tehnike. Izbrali smo šest tehnik in jim, s pomočjo pregleda empiričnih raziskav, določili njihov pedagoški potencial. Odkrili smo, da nekatere tehnike pristopa, kot na primer “poplava oblik” in “poudarjanje oblik” v ustnih/pisnih besedilih, nimajo želenega učinka na učenje, ko jih v učne ure vključimo kot samostojne, zato je smiselno združevati različne tehnike. V empiričnem delu smo opredelili prisotnost tehnik v učbenikih angleščine in španščine kot tujih jezikov v slovenskem izobraževalnem sistemu. Z analizo smo se osredotočili na slovnični problem, ki je za slovenske učence med bolj perečimi: raba preteklih oblik v povezavi z izražanjem glagolskega vida pri obeh tujih jezikih. V učbenikih španščine kot tujega jezika smo našli več tehnik pristopa kot v učbenikih angleščine. Kljub temu pa smo v učbenikih obeh jezikov odkrili nekatere pomanjkljivosti, na primer čezmerna količina aktivnosti osredotočenih na izražanje ter nezadostna količina tistih osredotočenih na razumevanje. Te smo skušali razrešiti s predlogi dveh didaktičnih enot (ena za vsak tuji jezik).

Keywords:pristop focus on form, poučevanje slovnice, učbeniki angleščine kot tujega jezika, učbeniki španščine kot tujega jezika, nasprotja v preteklem času
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151432 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:167757059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Focus on Form and its Presence in English and Spanish Foreign Language Coursebooks in Slovene Secondary Schools
This master’s thesis discusses an approach to language teaching and learning called focus on form whose implementation in language classrooms is possible due to the use of various procedures. Six of those have been selected and examined for their pedagogical potential: based on a review of empirical research, we find that certain focus-on-form procedures such as input flood and input enhancement do not generate learning when used on their own, therefore, a combination of different procedures is sensible. In the empirical part, the amount of their presence in current coursebooks of English and Spanish as foreign languages in Slovene secondary education has been determined. The analysis has focused on the treatment of one of the grammar topics fairly complicated for Slovene students: the past tense dichotomy, connected to the expression of the aspect in the two foreign languages. Findings suggest that Spanish coursebooks employ more focus-on-form activities than English coursebooks do. Nevertheless, it is necessary to surpass certain deficiencies of coursebooks (for both English and Spanish) such as the excessive use of structured output activities and minimal use of comprehension-based ones; hence, more detailed and structured didactic units –one for each of the languages– are proposed to meet the students’ needs.

Keywords:focus on form, grammar teaching, EFL (English as a foreign language) coursebooks, SFL (Spanish as a foreign language) coursebooks, the past tense dichotomy

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