
Korpusnojezikoslovna analiza variantnosti obrazil -vec in -lec ter -vka in -lka v sodobni slovenščini
ID Sever, Sara (Author), ID Popič, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osrednji namen magistrske naloge je raziskati današnjo rabo parov samostalnikov z isto osnovo in različnima obraziloma -vec in -lec oziroma vka in lka, obenem pa preučiti okoliščine, ki so do tega privedle. V magistrskem delu smo podrobno obravnavali lingvistično dogajanje v 19. stoletju. Posebno pozornost smo namenili polemikam, povezanim z elkanjem in posledično variantno rabo oblik omenjenih samostalnikov. V osrednjem delu smo analizirali variantnost v jeziku v sodobni rabi. Opazovali smo jo na dveh ravneh, in sicer znotraj Gigafide, korpusa jezika splošne javne rabe, ter znotraj Janesa, korpusa neformalne javne rabe na spletu. Izbrali smo primere, pri katerih smo zaznali najvišjo stopnjo variantnosti, kar pomeni, da so se v korpusih v enakem številu pojavljali z enim ali drugim obrazilom. Rabo v vsakem izmed korpusov smo med seboj primerjali in skušali ugotoviti, ali prihaja do razlik in zakaj. Preverili smo tudi, katere oblike predpisujeta osrednja tradicionalna slovarja za slovenščino, Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika in Slovenski pravopis. Poleg tega smo preverili, katere oblike kot pravilne sprejemajo črkovalniki Microsoft Office, Google Docs in Libre Office. V analizi smo poizkusili poiskati vzorce v rabi ene ali druge oblike samostalnikov. Preveriti smo želeli, ali se oblike v obeh korpusih ter kodificirane oblike v slovarjih in pri črkovalnikih ujemajo, ali obstajajo podobnosti med samostalniki ženskega in moškega spola ter ali variantnost višja pri redkejših samostalnikih.

Keywords:jezikovna variantnost, obrazilo, elkanje, korpusno jezikoslovje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151428 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168965123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:A corpus-linguistics analysis of the variant forms -vec and -lec as well as -vka and -lka in modern Slovene
The main purpose of this master's thesis is to study the current use of Slovene pairs of nouns with the same root and variant suffixes -vec and -lec for masculine, or vka and lka for feminine nouns. The circumstances that have led to the variation were examined as well. The thesis thoroughly describes linguistic developments in the 19th century. Special attention was paid to the controversies related to hypercorrection of the final l-sounds in past participles, which occurred in Slovene in the 19th century. The variant use of the derived forms is a direct consequence to this phenomenon. In the main part of the paper, variation in language in modern usage was analyzed. We observed it at two levels, namely within Gigafida, a corpus of language in general public use, and within Janes, a corpus of informal public use online. Analysis was carried out on the examples that showed the highest degree of variation, i.e. in the corpora, they appeared with one or the other suffix in equal numbers. The usage in each of the corpora was then compared. The study’s aim was to determine whether the usage in the corpora varies and, if so, why. The analysis also included the information on which forms are prescribed by the two main traditional dictionaries for Slovene, as well as which forms are accepted as correct by the Microsoft Office, Google Docs and Libre Office spellcheckers. The analysis aimed to find patterns in the use of one or the other form of nouns. The research questions of the thesis were whether there is a unison among the forms in the two corpora and the codified forms in dictionaries and spellcheckers, whether there are similarities between the use of feminine and masculine nouns, and whether the variation is higher for rare nouns.

Keywords:linguistic variation, suffix, elkanje, corpus linguistics

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