
Poskus rekonstrukcije tretjega mitreja na Ptuju
ID Svet, Brina (Author), ID Zanier, Katharina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vinazza, Manca (Comentor)

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Mitreji so bili manjša svetišča, posvečena bogu Mitri, datirana večinoma od 2. do 4. stoletja našega štetja. Mitra je za svoje žrtvovanje uporabil bika kot žrtveno telo. Nedvomno je simbol mitraizma Mitra, ki ubija bika. Ker je bil mitraizem zaprta vera, v katero so lahko vstopili le izbranci, so bila svetišča manjša, zasebna in v obliki jame. Tretji ptujski mitrej je bil eden pomembnejših mitrejev tega območja. Danes o tem pričajo dobro ohranjeni temelji in bogat izbor spomenikov. Diplomska naloga z naslovom Poskus rekonstrukcije tretjega mitreja na Ptuju zajema poskus prikaza računalniške rekonstrukcije tretjega ptujskega mitreja. Kot podlago za rekonstrukcijo smo izdelali 3D-model tlorisa objekta na podlagi fotogrametrije. V sklopu tega smo primerjali uporabo fotoaparata in telefona pri postopku fotografiranja, da bi ugotovili, katera naprava je hitrejša in učinkovitejša. Izrisali smo tloris obeh gradbenih faz glavnega dela mitreja ter naredili rekonstrukcijo na podlagi primerjav z drugimi, bolje ohranjenimi mitreji. V uvodu predstavimo mitraizem in zgodovino Ptuja. Zatem obravnavamo zgodovino raziskav, kronologijo in opis stavbe ter primerjave. Sledita metodološki del z opisom poteka dela ter poskus rekonstrukcije tretjega ptujskega mitreja.

Keywords:rekonstrukcija, fotogrametrija, 3D-modeliranje, Poetovio, tretji ptujski mitrej, mitreji, mitraizem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151397 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:An attempt at a reconstruction of the third mithraeum in Ptuj
Mithraea were smaller shrines dedicated to Mithras, mainly dating from around the 2nd to the 4th century AD. Mithras used a bull as a sacrificial body for his sacrifice. This is undoubtedly a symbol of mithraism: Mithras who kills the bull. Because mithraism was a closed religion that only the chosen could enter, the shrines were small, private, and in the form of a cave. The third mithraeum in Ptuj was one of the most important in the area. Today, well-preserved foundations and a rich selection of monuments testify to this fact. This diploma thesis, titled An attempt at a reconstruction of the third mithraeum of Ptuj, will include an attempt at a digital reconstruction of the third mithraeum in Ptuj. As a basis for the reconstruction, we first made a 3D model of the building based on photogrammetry. As part of this, we compared the use of a photocamera and a phone in the process of taking pictures in order to find out, which device is faster and more efficient. We prepared the floor plan of the two construction phases of the main part of the mithraeum, and a reconstruction that we designed, based on the comparison with the best preserved mithraeum. In the introduction, we will briefly present mithraism and Ptuj's history. We will then discuss the history of the research, the chronology and description of the building, and the comparisons. Followed by a methodological part with a description of the workflow, and then try to showcase the reconstruction of the mithraeum.

Keywords:reconstruction, photogrammetry, 3D modelling, Poetovio, third mithraeum in Ptuj, mithraea, mithraism

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