
Razvoj trajnostnih oblik turizma na otoku Tenerife
ID Kolenc Ravnikar, Taja (Author), ID Cigale, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Turistična industrija je v zadnjih desetletjih doživela velik razcvet. Izjemno hitra rast panoge je bila zaznamovana z vedno večjim pretokom turistov, kar je vodilo v prezasedenost destinacij in povzročilo permanentne spremembe v življenju lokalnega prebivalstva. Prevelika koncentracija obiska je poslabšala kvaliteto turistične ponudbe in posledično turističnega doživetja, saj se je ponudba začela osredotočati predvsem na masovno turistično potrošnjo. Poleg kvantitativne dimenzije, so spremembe očitne tudi na kvalitativnem nivoju, kar zajema predvsem ekološko škodo, ki jo je povzročil množičen obisk. Vse negativne posledice, ki jih je turizem povzročil, so sprožile nastanek različnih novih konceptov, kot so alternativni turizem, trajnostni turizem in ekoturizem. Nove oblike si prizadevajo za zmanjšanje negativnih učinkov turizma. Koncept, ki je najbolj aktualen danes, je trajnostni turizem. Ta se nanaša na obliko turizma, ki je okoljsko vzdržna, gospodarsko uspešna in priznana s strani družbe. Interes po uveljavljanju trajnostnih oblik turizma na destinacijah dandanes neizmerno narašča. Namen te diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, kako so se trajnostne oblike turizma razvile na destinaciji Tenerife, obenem pa raziskati, kako razvoj teh oblik in turističnega modela otoka zaznava tamkajšnje prebivalstvo. Namen naloge je tudi raziskati, kako na učinkovitost ukrepov za spodbujanje trajnostnega turizma gleda lokalno prebivalstvo in kje vidi ovire pri njihovi implementaciji.

Keywords:trajnostni turizem, trajnostni razvoj, množični turizem, Tenerife, turistična geografija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151388 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Development of sustainable forms of tourism on the island of Tenerife
The tourism industry has boomed in recent decades. The industry's extremely rapid growth has been marked by an ever-increasing flow of tourists, leading to overcrowding in destinations and permanent changes in the lives of local people. The over-concentration of visitors has deteriorated the quality of the tourist offer and, as a result, tourist experience, as the offer has begun to focus mainly on mass tourist consumption. In addition to the quantitative dimension, changes are also evident at the qualitative level, which includes, in particular, the ecological damage caused by mass visitation. All the negative consequences caused by tourism have given rise to various new concepts such as alternative tourism, sustainable tourism and ecotourism. These new forms aim to reduce the negative effects of tourism. The concept that is most relevant today is sustainable tourism. It refers to a form of tourism that is environmentally sustainable, economically viable and recognised by society. The interest in promoting sustainable forms of tourism in destinations is growing immensely today. The aim of this thesis is to identify how sustainable forms of tourism have developed in Tenerife, and to investigate how the development of these forms and the island's tourism model are perceived by the local population. The thesis also aims to explore how the local population perceives the effectiveness of measures to promote sustainable tourism and where they see obstacles to their implementation.

Keywords:sustainable tourism, sustainable development, mass tourism, Tenerife, tourism geography.

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