
Paragvajska vojna : diplomsko delo
ID Brložnik, Lenart (Author), ID Cergol Paradiž, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Paragvajska vojna se je dogajala med letoma 1864 in 1870. Gre za specifičen konflikt, ki so ga generirali večplastni dejavniki. Prisotnost avtokratskega režima, poosebljal ga je paragvajski predsednik Francisco Solano López, ambiciozne želje po hegemoniji vpletenih držav, tudi ekspanzionizem, notranjepolitične nestabilnosti in nerazrešena mejna vprašanja so ustvarili »eksplozivno« mešanico interesov, ki je rezultirala v obliki velikega vojnega konflikta, Paragvajske vojne. V vojno se bile vpletene štiri države La Plate: Argentina, Urugvaj in Brazilsko cesarstvo, ki so se spopadle s Paragvajem. Paragvajska vojna, ki je označena kot največji konflikt v zgodovini Latinske Amerike, zaradi svoje tragičnosti izstopa tudi v svetovnem merilu. Paragvajska vojna je konflikt, ki je v času modernega vojskovanja v posamezni državi terjal procentualno najvišji delež žrtev. V Republiki Paragvaj je po vojni, v primerjavi s predvojnim stanjem, število celotnega prebivalstva upadlo za 20 %. Šest let trajajoča Paragvajska vojna se je končala leta 1870 s popolnim porazom Paragvaja.

Keywords:Paragvaj, trojno zavezništvo, Francisco Solano López, 1864–1870, Latinska Amerika, 19. stoletje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:L. Brložnik
Number of pages:35 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151386 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168609027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Title:Paraguayan war
The Paraguayan War took place between 1864 and 1870. It is a specific conflict generated by multiple factors. The presence of an autocratic regime, epitomised by the Paraguayan President Francisco Solano López, the ambitious hegemonic aspirations of the countries involved, including expansionism, internal political instabilities and unresolved border issues created an "explosive" mix of interests that resulted in a major military conflict, the Paraguayan War. The war involved four La Plata countries: Argentina, Uruguay and the Brazilian Empire which clashed with Paraguay. The Paraguayan war, which has the distinction of being the greatest conflict in Latin American history, also stands out on a global scale because of its tragic nature. The Paraguayan War is the conflict that, in modern warfare, has caused the highest percentage of casualties in any single country. In the Republic of Paraguay, the total population fell by 20% after the war, compared to the pre-war situation. The six-year Paraguayan War ended in 1870 with Paraguay's total defeat.

Keywords:Paraguay, Triple Alliance, Francisco Solano López, 1864–1870, Latin America, 19th century

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