
Primerjava ideje samomora v romantični filozofiji in literaturi
ID Koloini, Brina (Author), ID Žunkovič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hribar Sorčan, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava idejo samomora v romantični filozofiji in literaturi na primeru romana Trpljenje mladega Wertherja avtorja Johanna Wolfganga Goetheja. Najprej so predstavljeni temelje romantike in osvetli čas ter razmere, v katerem je roman nastal. Sledi natančnejša predstavitev avtorja, njegovega ustvarjalnega procesa in resničnih dogodkov, ki so ga privedle do tega, da je napisal obravnavani roman. V nadaljevanju so orisane značilnosti romantičnega romana nasploh in kako je na romaneskno kulturo romantike vplival obravnavani roman, ki je dvignil ogromno prahu zaradi opisa samomora glavnega junaka, ki je tipičen predstavnik razklanega romantičnega človeka. Na podlagi Wertherja in arhetipa romantičnega človeka so predstavljeni tudi romantični razkol med subjektivnim in objektivnim, vloga narave ter vloga človeka v njej, za razumevanje katerih je pomembno tudi romantično, natančneje Goethejevo, razumevanje antike. V osrednjem filozofskem delu poskuša diplomska naloga Wertherjev samomor interpretirati in osvetliti na podlagi teorij Immanuela Kanta in Friedricha Schillerja, predvsem prek ocen konkretnih samomorov, ki sta jih podala. Delo poudari pomen pietizma in vlogo ter predrugačenje religije v romantiki, sploh prehod od krščanstva do abstraktno transcendentalnega. V nadaljevanju se delo osredotoči na ljubezenski trikotnik in Wertherjevo ljubezen do Lotte, prevprašuje njeno krivdo za smrt in jo kot žensko vmesti v družbeno-zgodovinski kontekst. Samomor in vloga ženske sta v nadaljevanju primerjana s samomorom realistične junakinje Eme Bovary avtorja Gustava Flauberta. Za konec sta v delu opisani še teorija samomora Èmila Durkheima, preko katere je interpretiran in označen tudi Wertherjev samomor, ter resničnost Wertherjevega efekta preko analize Davida D. Phillipsa.

Keywords:literatura in filozofija, nemška romantika, samomor, Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Trpljenje mladega Wertherja, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Schiller
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151383 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168484867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Comparing the idea of suicide in Romantic philosophy and literature
The thesis deals with the idea of suicide in Romantic philosophy and literature, using Johann Wolfgang Goethe's novel The Sorrows of Young Werther as an example. First, the foundations of Romanticism are presented and the time and situation in which the novel was written are highlighted. This is followed by a more detailed presentation of the author, his creative process and the real events that led him to write the novel in question. The characteristics of the Romantic novel in general are then outlined, together with how the novel in question, which has raised a great deal of dust because of its description of the suicide of the protagonist, a typical representative of the split Romantic man, has influenced Romantic culture. The Romantic split between the subjective and the objective, the role of nature and the role of man in it, which are also important for understanding the Romantic, and more specifically Goethe's, understanding of antiquity, are also presented on the basis of Werther and the archetype of the Romantic man. In the central philosophical part, the thesis attempts to interpret and illuminate Werther's suicide on the basis of the theories of Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Schiller, in particular through their assessments of specific suicides. The work emphasises the importance of pietism and the role and transformation of religion in Romanticism, in particular the transition from Christianity to the abstractly transcendental. The work then focuses on the love triangle and Werther's love for Lotte, questioning her guilt for his death and placing her as a woman in a socio-historical context. The suicide and the role of women in The Sorrows of Young Werther are further compared with the suicide of Gustave Flaubert's realist heroine Emma Bovary. Finally, the suicide theory of Èmil Durkheim, through which Werther's suicide is interpreted and characterised, and the reality of the Werther effect through the analysis of David D. Phillips are described.

Keywords:literature and philosophy, German Romanticism, suicide, Johann Wolfgang Goethe: The Sorrows of Young Werther, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Schiller

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