
Razvoj sodelujočega robotskega sistema za kolensko artroplastiko
ID Katrašnik, Miha (Author), ID Mihelj, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mnogo ljudi trpi za posledicami težav s kolenskimi sklepi. Izboljšanje stanja je mogoče z izvedbo ortopedskih operacij. Ena izmed teh operacij je totalna kolenska artroplastika (TKA), pri kateri se poškodovano ali obrabljeno površino nadomesti s kolensko protezo. Konvencionalne metode za opravljanje teh operacij so precej uspešne, a ostaja precej prostora za izboljšave. Kot možnost izboljšave rezultatov operacij se ponuja uporaba robotske tehnologije. V tem delu predstavljamo razvoj robotskega sistema, ki kirurgu pomaga pri izvedbi reza femurja. Ta rez je potreben za vstavitev proteze. Točnost izvedbe tega reza ima pomemben vpliv na uspešnost operacije. Pri izvedbi naloge smo soočeni z dvema glavnima ciljema. Prvi je določitev ravnine reza, drugi pa ustrezno vodenje robota. Ravnino reza določimo na podlagi anatomije kosti. Izdelali smo program, ki s pomočjo optičnega sistema za sledenje zajame podatke o anatomiji kosti in na podlagi tega izvede izračun ravnine reza. Izvedli smo tudi vodenje robota z virtualnimi omejitvami z impedančnim vodenjem (ang. impedance control). Pri tem vodenju robota lahko premikamo z roko, vendar le tako, da vodilo za žago, pritrjeno na robota, ostane poravnano z ravnino reza. Izvedli smo tudi meritve napake lege vodila za žago. Ugotovili smo, da je vodenje dokaj uspešno, a točnost tega sistema ne zadostuje potrebam realnih operacij.

Keywords:robotika v medicini, ortopedske operacije, sodelujoča robotika, impedančno vodenje, virtualne omejitve
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151239 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169848323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2023
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Title:Development of a collaborative robotic system for knee arthroplasty
Many people suffer the consequences of knee pain. The condition can be improved by undergoing orthopedic surgery. One type of such surgery is total knee arthroplasty (TKA). In this procedure the damaged or worn-out surface of the joint is replaced with a knee prosthesis. Conventional methods for performing these surgeries are quite successful, but there remains significant room for improvement. This can be achieved with the use of robot technology. In this work, we present the development of a robotic system that helps the surgeon perform a single femur cut. This cut is needed to enable the insertion of the prosthesis. The accuracy of this cut has a significant impact on the outcome of the surgery. To carry out this task, we need to achieve two main goals. The first is the determination of the cut plane, and the second is appropriate robot control. The cut plane is determined based on the anatomy of the bone. We have implemented a program that captures the anatomy data based on the measurements of the optical tracking system and uses this data to calculate the cut plane. We have also created the impedance controller that acts as a virtual fixture. In this mode, the robot can be moved by hand, but only in such a way that the saw guide, attached to the robot, remains aligned with the cut plane. We also performed measurements of the saw guide pose error. We found that robot control is quite successful, but the accuracy of this system is not sufficient for the demands of a real surgical procedure.

Keywords:robotics in medicine, orthopedic surgeries, collaborative robotics, impedance control, virtual fixtures

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