
Zgodovina raztelešanja trupel v medicinske namene : diplomsko delo
ID Lukić, Tara (Author), ID Sotler, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Boc, Anja (Comentor), ID Gošnak Dahmane, Raja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Anatomija velja za najstarejšo medicinsko vedo. Prvi zapisi o njej segajo v obdobje med 3.000 in 2.000 leti pr. n. št., prvi anatomski zapisi pa so bili zapisani na papirusu. Anatomsko raziskovanje temelji na raztelešanju trupel. Gre za proces razstavljanja in opazovanja človeškega trupla. Obstajajo številne metode poučevanja anatomije, raztelešanje pa je ena izmed najpomembnejših. Poučevanje anatomije se je sicer skozi zgodovino spreminjalo, raztelešanje pa ostaja temeljni proces pri izobraževanju in delu zdravstvenih delavcev. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil opisati pomen raztelešanja trupel in zgodovino raztelešanja v medicinske namene. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela. Pregledali smo strokovno in znanstveno literaturo ter vključili znanstvene in strokovne članke ter knjige v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah ScienceDirect, CINAHL, MEDLINE ter zbirkah PubMed, UpToDate in Google učenjak. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da raztelešanje trupla pomeni razstavljanje in opazovanje zgradbe trupla. Velja za pomembno metodo za spoznavanje in poučevanje anatomije človeškega telesa in za ugotavljanje vzroka smrti pri obdukciji. Dojemanje raztelešanja trupel se je skozi zgodovino spreminjalo glede na dojemanje človeškega telesa v tistem času. Začetki segajo pred leto 2.000 pr. n. št., ko je bilo raztelešanje prisotno pri mumificiranju. Izvajali so ga tudi v antiki, potem pa je bilo do konca srednjega veka v zatonu. V srednjem veku je bilo zaradi vpliva krščanske cerkve strogo prepovedano. Razcvet raztelešanja se je ponovno začel v renesansi in se nadaljeval v razsvetljenstvu. Zaradi velikega zanimanja javnosti so bili ustanovljeni anatomski teatri. Danes tehnološki razvoj diagnostičnih metod omogoča virtualno raztelešanje, ki pa ne nudi tako realistične izkušnje kot tradicionalno raztelešanje. Skozi zgodovino so se pojavile tudi etične dileme, ki se nanašajo predvsem na pridobivanje trupel. Danes to urejajo zakoni, prav tako se skrbno spoštuje etika pri ravnanju s trupli. Razprava in zaključek: Današnje poznavanje anatomije človeškega telesa temelji na tisočletjih raztelešanja trupel. K razvoju anatomije so pripomogli številni anatomi, ki so delovali skozi zgodovino, svoje ugotovitve pa so pridobili iz procesa raztelešanja trupel. Etika pri ravnanju s trupli je izredno pomembna.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, anatomija, truplo, raztelešanje, učne metode, etične dileme
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Lukić]
Number of pages:27 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151224 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166546435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The history of cadaveric dissection for medical purposes : diploma work
Introduction: Anatomy is considered one of the oldest medical sciences. The first anatomical records date back in 3000-2000 BC with first written records on papyrus. Anatomical research based on dissection of cadavers involves the process of dismemberment, segregation and studying of the human body parts. Study of anatomy went through several changes over the centuries, and there are many other methods of both studying and teaching anatomy nowadays. Nevertheless, the cadaveric dissection remains a fundamental process in medical education and practice. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to present the meaning of cadavers’ dismemberment and the history of dismemberment for medical purposes. Methods: We have used descriptive methods of work; we searched the scientific literature including scientific journals and books in Slovenian and English language. We have looked for literature in the following databases: ScienceDirect, Cinahl, Medline, PubMed and most recent Google scholar search results. Results: It was established that the dissection of cadavers alludes to the taking apart and observation of the cadavers. Cadaveric dissection is considered an important method for the development and teaching of anatomy and also establishing the cause of death through the post mortem examination. Perception of cadaveric dissection was changing through the history, being tied to current knowledge and beliefs of the time period in question. Beginnings of cadaveric dissection date far back in history, in time of the mummification process. Cadaveric dissection was also carried out in ancient times, but then declined during the Middle Ages, when it was even temporarily prohibited due to the influence of Christianity. It expanded further upon its reinstatement during the Renaissance period, continuing in the Enlightenment period. Theatres for anatomical research were established due to the high public interest. Today, dissection of cadavers is accompanied by technological developments enabling virtual visualization or so called “virtual dissection”; which however does not allow for the same realistic experience compared to traditional methods. Previously, there were considerations around ethical dilemmas related to acquiring of cadavers, so today dissection is regulated by law and ethics are mandatory in the treatment of cadavers. Discussion and conclusion: Anatomy is the result of developed knowledge which is based on many years of previous findings, being dependent on understanding the structure and functioning of human body. That is why it has peaked and dipped in popularity. Anatomical knowledge helps numerous professional anatomical and medical workers who worked and researched throughout history, and who drew their conclusions through dissecting cadavers. That is why it is crucial to treat the cadavers with best ethics and respect.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, anatomy, cadaver, dismemberment, teaching methods, ethical dilemmas

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