
Literaturni pregled in analiza področja transdermalne dostave zdravilnih učinkovin z mikroiglami
ID File, Tina (Author), ID Gosenca Matjaž, Mirjam (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Področje raziskovanja mikroigel je v obdobju zadnjih let zelo aktualno, saj se te proučujejo za širok nabor zdravilnih učinkovin (vključno z makromolekulami) in terapevtskih indikacij. S pomočjo elektronskih podatkovnih baz PubMed in ScienceDirect smo proučevali področje transdermalne dostave zdravilnih učinkovin z mikroiglami. Pregled smo naredili za različna časovna obdobja in se zaradi velikega števila znanstvenih objav prednostno osredotočili na obdobje zadnjih petih let, tj. od 2018 do 2022. V tem obdobju je bilo opaziti znatno povečanje števila znanstvenih objav, in sicer je bilo objavljenih 163 raziskovalnih in 157 preglednih člankov. V končni nabor znanstvenih objav, ki smo jih v nadaljevanju podrobneje analizirali smo vključili 49 raziskovalnih objav in dodatno 6 objav na temo 3D tiskanja. Ugotovili smo, da so bile najbolj proučevane zdravilne učinkovine za vgradnjo v mikroigle amfotericin B, metotreksat, inzulin in natrijev kabotegravir. Kot terapevtska skupina je bila najpogosteje zastopana skupina zdravil za sistemsko zdravljenje virusnih infekcij, ki je bila zastopana v petih objavah. Zdravljenje in preprečevanje okužbe z virusom humane imunske pomanjkljivosti velja za najpogosteje izbrano indikacijo, ki je bila proučevana v petih znanstvenih objavah. Najpogosteje so raziskovali mikroigle, ki se raztopijo, in sicer so bile zastopane v 35 znanstvenih objavah. Velja izpostaviti, da so bile omenjene mikroigle največkrat pripravljene z metodo vlivanja. Največkrat so mikroigle pripravili iz formulacije, ki je vsebovala enega ali več polimerov (najbolj zastopana polimera v fomulacijah sta bila hialuronska kislina in polivinil pirolidon) ter ostale pomožne snovi. Pri raziskovanju področja transdermalne dostave z mikroiglami v povezavi s 3D tiskanjem smo ugotovili, da so raziskovalci največkrat izbrali tehniko stereolitografije, s 3D tiskanjem pa so najpogosteje izdelovali votle mikroigle. Ugotovili smo, da so mikroigle največkrat vrednotili v sklopu vrednotenja mehanskih lastnosti, testa prodiranja kože, testa raztapljanja, permeabilnostnih in farmakokinetičnih študij ter testov draženja kože. Področje patentov za izbrano področje smo pregledali za zadnjih 15 let v podatkovnih bazah SIPO-DS in Escapenet. Ugotovili smo, da je bilo 42 % patentnih prijav/patentov objavljenih v zadnjih petih letih, tj. od 2018 do 2022. V prihodnje vidimo mikroigle kot pristop, ki bo omogočal izboljšanje zdravljenja številnih bolezni.

Keywords:mikroigle, transdermalna dostava, permeabilnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151192 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2023
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Title:Literature review and field analysis of transdermal drug delivery with microneedles
The field of microneedle research has been very active in recent years, as they are being studied for a wide range of active pharmaceutical ingredients (including macromolecules) and therapeutic indications. With the help of electronic databases PubMed and ScienceDirect we studied the field of transdermal drug delivery with microneedles. We reviewed different time periods and, due to the large number of articles, we focused on the period of the last five years, i.e. from 2018 to 2022. A significant increase was observed during this period with 163 research articles and 157 review articles published. In the final set of articles for more detailed analysed, we included 49 research articles and an additional 6 articles on the topic of 3D printing. As observed, the most studied active pharmaceutical ingredients for incorporation into microneedles were amphotericin B, methotrexate, insulin and cabotegravir sodium. As for therapeutic group, the most often the group of drugs for the systemic treatment of viral infections was presented, i.e. in five articles. Treatment and prevention of human immune deficiency virus is considered the most frequently chosen indication, which was studied in five articles. Dissolving microneedles have been been studied the most and were represented in 35 articles. It should be pointed out that mentioned microneedles were most often prepared by the micromolding method. In most cases, microneedles were prepared from a formulation that contained one or more polymers (the most represented polymers in the formulations were hyaluronic acid and polyvinyl pyrrolidone) and other excipients. When studying the field of transdermal drug delivery with microneedles in conjunction with 3D printing, the researchers most often chose the stereolithography technique, while with 3D printing they often made hollow microneedles. We found that microneedles were most often valued as part of a set evaluation of mechanical properties, insertion test, dissolution test, permeability and pharmacokinetic studies and skin irritation tests. We reviewed the area of patents for the selected field for the last 15 years in the SIPO-DS and Escapenet databases. We found that 42 % patent applications/patents were published in the last five years, i.e. from 2018 to 2022. In the future microneedles could contribute to improved treatment of many diseases.

Keywords:microneedles, transdermal drug delivery, permeability

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