
Razvoj virtualnega učnega okolja o zdravilih za laično javnost
ID Keber, Žiga (Author), ID Kos, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Napredek tehnologije je omogočil veliko novih načinov prikazovanja informacij z namenom, da naredi prikaz zanimivejši, in bolj dinamičen ter da pritegne pozornost ljudi. Nove tehnologije omogočajo interaktivnost učenca s snovjo in dostop do takojšne povratne informacije. Novo-razviti pojem igrifikacija združuje pozitivne vidike videoiger s procesi drugih digitalnih medijev. Naš namen je preučiti, kako te vidike uporabiti in vključiti v razvoj učnega okolja v virtualni obliki, ki bi poučevalo o varni in učinkoviti uporabi zdravil laikom. Začeli smo s pridobivanjem mnenja laične populacije o samem razumevanju koncepta oz. ideje ter o njihovih mnenjih in pričakovanjih. Z metodo snežne kepe smo izbrali laično populacijo in izvedli manjše skupinske dialoge, v katerih smo povprašali o videzu in delovanju okolja ter katere informacije o zdravilih bi sami želeli videti. Nadalje smo izvedli raziskavo s strokovno populacijo. V prvem delu je ta potekala enako kot pri laikih, v drugem delu smo pa predstavili podatke prve raziskave, jih komentirali, argumentirali in primerjali z vidiki stroke. Po urejanju in osmišljanju podatkov obeh raziskav smo pričeli z gradnjo okolja. Izgradili smo ga s programom VTS Editor. Prvo obliko okolja smo preverili in validirali z anketami, pri čemer smo priložnostnem vzorcu populacije skupaj z anketo poslali dostop do okolja. Cilj ankete je, da sodelujoči preizkusijo virtualno učno okolje in podajo povratne informacije. Rezultati validacije so pokazali, da je vsebinski del ustrezen in da so sodelujoči v večji meri zadovoljni s prikazanimi tematikami. Predlagali so, da bi se dalo določene sklope poenostaviti in upočasniti prikaz informacij oz. pustiti informacije na voljo daljši čas. Samo okolje so ocenili kot lahko za uporabo, zadovoljni so bili z interaktivnimi elementi. Izrazili so željo po glasovnem prikazu informacij poleg besedila in po večji uporabi vizualnih elementov. Izpostavili so še manjše tehnične in slovnične napake. Na koncu smo zastavili načrte za izboljšavo okolja s popravki besedila in implementacijo govorjenega besedila.

Keywords:digitalno, virtualno, igrifikacija, učno okolje, laična populacija, zdravila, učinek, terapija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151191 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Development of virtual learning environment about medicines for lay public
Advances in technology have enabled many new ways of displaying information in order to make the display more interesting and dynamic and to attract people's attention. New technologies enable student interactivity with the material and access to immediate feedback. The newly developed concept of gamification combines the positive aspects of video games with the processes of other digital media. Our aim is to examine how these aspects can be applied and incorporated into the development of a virtual learning environment that would teach the safe and effective use of medicines to the layperson. We started by obtaining the opinion of the lay population about the very understanding of the concept or ideas and about their opinions and expectations. Using the snowball method, we selected the lay population and conducted small group dialogues in which we asked about the appearance and functioning of the environment and what information about medicines you would like to see. Furthermore, we conducted a survey with the professional population. In the first part, this took place in the same way as for lay people, but in the second part we presented the data of the first survey, commented on it, argued and compared it with aspects of the profession. After editing and making sense of the data from both surveys, we started building the environment. We built it with VTS Editor. We checked and validated the first form of the environment with surveys, sending access to the environment to a random sample of the population together with the survey. The goal of the survey is for participants to test the virtual learning environment and provide feedback. The results of the validation showed that the content part is adequate and that the participants are largely satisfied with the topics presented. They suggested that it would be possible to simplify certain sections and slow down the display of information or leave information available for a longer period of time. They rated the environment itself as easy to use, and were satisfied with the interactive elements. They expressed a desire for voice display of information in addition to text and for greater use of visual elements. They pointed out even smaller technical and grammatical errors. Finally, we set plans to improve the environment with text corrections and the implementation of spoken text.

Keywords:digital, virtual, gamification, learning environment, lay public, medicine, effect, therapy

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