
Poučevanje kroženja vode z didaktičnimi igrami v 5. razredu osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Bajželj, Sara (Author), ID Susman, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Igra spremlja otroka vse od rojstva skozi obdobja njegovega razvoja. Vsak otrok čuti potrebo po igri. Kljub temu da je igra primarno spontana dejavnost, ki nima namena, cilja ali pričakovanih rezultatov, je vedno pogosteje vključena tudi v pouk, saj omogoča učinkovite oblike učenja. Didaktična igra je učna metoda, pri kateri se učenci učijo prek igre, ne da bi se zavedali učnih ciljev. Učitelji naj bi učencem zagotovili spodbudno učno okolje z veliko raznolikimi možnostmi in pristopi za usvajanje učne snovi ter povezovanje in uporabo znanja ter spretnosti pri reševanju problemov. Ob skupinskem delu razvijajo zmožnost komuniciranja med sodelujočimi in na relaciji učitelj-učenci zmožnost oblikovanja stališč in analize gradiv ter sinteze rezultatov. Vse te vidike sodobnega pouka lahko v razred vpeljemo tudi z uporabo didaktične igre. Didaktična igra učence postavlja pred izziv, zato so celostno vključeni, pozorni, učenje pa je učinkovito in zanimivo. Prav zato je pridobljeno znanje dolgoročno. Učenje prek didaktičnih iger deluje motivacijsko in omogoča drugačno izkušnjo obravnave nove učne snovi, utrjevanja ali preverjanja znanja. Za namen magistrskega dela smo izdelali tri didaktične igre o vodi in kroženju vode v 5. razredu osnovne šole. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen je napredek v znanju učencev, ki so učno snov obravnavali z didaktičnimi igrami, v primerjavi z učenci, ki so učno snov obravnavali z eksperimentalnim delom. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako učenci vrednotijo svoje znanje in počutje med izvajanjem obeh aktivnih metod pouka. Poleg učencev smo v raziskavo vključili še učiteljice in jih vprašali, kako ocenjujejo zasnovane didaktične igre. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 87 učencev 5. razreda dveh osnovnih šol in tri učiteljice razrednega pouka. Podatke smo zbirali s preizkusi znanja (pred in potesti), anketnimi vprašalniki za učence in z intervjuji z učiteljicami. Reševanje predtestov smo izvedli en teden pred načrtovanim poukom, reševanje potestov in izpolnjevanje anketnih vprašalnikov pa takoj po končanih učnih urah. V vseh razredih je pouk potekal tri ure, četrta učna ura pa je bila namenjena reševanju potesta in izpolnjevanju anketnega vprašalnika. V treh oddelkih 5. razreda smo pouk izvajali z didaktičnimi igrami, v drugih treh oddelkih 5. razreda pa z eksperimentalnim delom. V vseh razredih je delo potekalo v skupinah. Ugotovili smo, da so višji napredek v znanju pokazali učenci, ki so učno snov obravnavali z didaktičnimi igrami, prav tako so višje ocenili svoje znanje in počutje med poukom. Učenci so v anketnih vprašalnikih izpostavili, da so jim bile igre všeč in so se jim zdele zabavne. Radi so tekmovali in delali v skupinah. Nekaterim učencem ni bil všeč hrup v razredu med igranjem iger. Učiteljice so didaktične igre ocenile kot kakovostno izdelane, kar se odraža na izkazanem situacijskem interesu učencev. Ocenile so, da didaktične igre v celoti ustrezajo obravnavani učni vsebini glede na učne cilje in zahtevnost. Učiteljice so izpostavile, da jih je izvedeni pouk z didaktičnimi igrami spodbudil, da bi tudi same večkrat uporabile to metodo dela. Kot slabost didaktičnih iger na splošno so vse intervjuvane učiteljice omenile časovno zahtevnost priprave gradiv in izvedbe tovrstnega pouka.

Keywords:didaktične igre, naravoslovje in tehnika, vodni krog, agregatna stanja, znanje učencev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Bajželj
Number of pages:XI, 113 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151186 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-151186 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166487043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching the Water Cycle with Didactic Games in Grade 5 of Primary School
Playing accompanies the child from birth through the periods of his development. Every child feels the need to play. Despite the fact that playing is primarily a spontaneous activity that has no purpose, goal or expected results, it is increasingly included in lessons as it enables effective forms of learning. Didactic playing is a teaching method in which students learn through play without being aware of the learning objectives. Teachers should provide students with a stimulating learning environment with a wide variety of options and approaches for learning content and connecting and using knowledge and skills in problem solving. During group work, they develop the ability to communicate among participants and, in the teacher-student relationship, the ability to form opinions and analyse materials and synthesize results. All these aspects of modern teaching can also be introduced into the classroom by using a didactic game. The didactic game challenges students, so they are fully involved, attentive, and learning is effective and interesting. That is why the acquired knowledge is long-term. Learning through didactic games has a motivating effect and enables a different experience of dealing with new learning material, consolidating or checking knowledge. For the purpose of the master's thesis, we created three didactic games about water and the water cycle in the 5th grade of primary school. We were interested in the progress in the knowledge of students, who studied the learning material with didactic games, compared to students, who studied the learning material with experimental work. We were also interested in how students evaluate their knowledge and well-being during the implementation of both active teaching methods. In addition to students, we also included female teachers in the research and asked them how they evaluated the designed didactic games. In the research participated 87 5th grade pupils from two elementary schools and three classroom teachers. The data were collected through knowledge tests (pre- and post-tests), student questionnaires and interviews with teachers. The pre-tests were taken one week before the scheduled lessons, and the post-tests and questionnaires were taken immediately after the lessons. In all classes, lessons lasted three hours, and the fourth lesson was dedicated to solving the post-test and filling out the survey questionnaire. In three departments of the 5th grade, lessons were conducted with didactic games, and in the other three departments of the 5th grade with experimental work. In all classes, the work took place in groups. We found that the students, who learned the learning content with didactic games, showed a higher progress in knowledge, and they also rated their knowledge and well-being during the lessons higher. In the questionnaires, the students pointed out that they liked the games and found them funny. They liked to compete and work in groups. Some students did not like the noise in the classroom while playing games. The teachers rated the didactic games as V well-made, which is reflected in the students' demonstrated interest in the situation. They assessed that the didactic games fully correspond to the discussed learning content in terms of learning goals and difficulty. The teachers pointed out that the lessons with didactic games encouraged them to use this method more often. As a weakness of didactic games in general, all interviewed teachers mentioned the time-consuming preparation of materials and implementation of this type of lessons.

Keywords:didactic games, natural science and technology, water cycle, physical states, knowledge of pupils

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