
Učinkovitost interdisciplinarnega programa rehabilitacije kronične bolečine pri izboljševanju funkcijskega stanja pacientov s fibromialgijo : diplomsko delo
ID Nagode, Petra (Author), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petrič, Maja (Comentor), ID Purgar, Monika (Comentor), ID Hlebš, Sonja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Fibromialgija je kronična bolezen, ki jo običajno spremlja kronična bolečina in ostali simptomi, kot so utrujenost, okorelost, nespečnost, kognitivne težave in psihološka stiska. V interdisciplinarnem rehabilitacijskem programu za kronično bolečino na URI Soča sodelujejo zdravnik, psiholog, fizioterapevt, socialni delavec in delovni terapevt. Celotna ekipa je pri tem osredotočena na doseganje skupnih ciljev, ki so postavljeni v sodelovanju s pacientom. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil oceniti učinkovitost interdisciplinarnega rehabilitacijskega programa, prilagojenega razmeram epidemije COVID-19, pri izboljševanju funkcijskega stanja pacientov. Namen je bil tudi ugotoviti ali obstaja statistično značilna povezanost med učinkovitostjo programa in spolom, starostjo, stopnjo izobrazbe pacientov, ter vrsto programa. Metode dela: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 100 polnoletnih pacientov z diagnozo fibromialgije povprečno starih 51,7 (9,6) let, ki so v celoti zaključili program interdisciplinarne rehabilitacijske obravnave. Od tega je bilo 93 žensk in 7 moških. Retrospektivno smo analizirali rezultate meritev, izvedenih med junijem in decembrom 2020 na URI Soča. Merjena je bila mišična vzdržljivost spodnjih udov, raztegljivost mišic spodnjega dela hrbta in zadnjih stegenskih mišic, gibljivost hrbtenice, statično in dinamično ravnotežje in intenziteta bolečine. Razlike med pridobljenimi vrednostnimi pred in po celotni obravnavi smo vrednotili z neparametričnim Wilcoxon testom. Razlike med spoloma smo vrednotili z Mann Whitney testom. Za ugotavljanje povezanosti učinkovitosti programa s starostjo in stopnjo izobrazbe pacientov smo uporabili Spearmanov koeficient korelacije. Prag statistične značilnosti je bil postavljen pri p ? 0,05. Rezultati: Potrdili smo učinkovitost prilagojenega interdisciplinarnega rehabilitacijskega programa. Nismo pa uspeli dokazati, da spol vpliva na učinkovitost programa. Pri pacientih, ki so sodelovali v prilagojenem interdisciplinarnem programu rehabilitacije kronične bolečine, je prišlo do statistično značilnega izboljšanja statičnega in dinamičnega ravnotežja (p = 0,003), ter zmogljivosti in vzdržljivosti spodnjih udov (p = 0,004). Dokazali smo, da je stopnja izobrazbe statistično značilno povezana samo z zmogljivostjo in vzdržljivostjo mišic spodnjih udov, ter statičnim in dinamičnim ravnotežjem. Analiza rezultatov le delno potrjuje povezanost starosti z učinkovitostjo interdisciplinarnega rehabilitacijskega programa za kronično bolečino, saj vpliva zgolj na statično in dinamično ravnotežje (p = 0,001). Razprava in zaključek: Iz raziskave smo lahko razbrali, da je učinkovitost programa največkrat povezana z izboljšanjem ravnotežja. V prihodnje bi bilo smiselno podrobneje preučiti učinkovitost programa z izboljšanjem ravnotežja pri pacientih s fibromialgijo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, fibromialgija, ravnotežje, vzdržljivost, gibljivost, bolečina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Nagode]
Number of pages:39 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151152 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166818563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The effectiveness of interdisciplinary chronic pain rehabilitation program on the improvement of functional outcomes in patient with fibromyalgia : diploma work
Introduction: Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease characterized by generalized pain. It is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as fatigue, stiffness, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment, and psychological problems. An interdisciplinary chronic pain team includes physicians, psychologist, physical therapist, social workers and occupational therapists. The entire team is focused on achieving common goals, which are established in collaboration with the patient. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program tailored to the conditions of the COVID-19 epidemic to improve patient functional outcome. The study also sought to determine whether there was a statistically significant association between program efficiency and age, sex, education level, and type of program. Methods: 100 adults diagnosed with fibromyalgia (51,7 ± 9,6 years) who completed the interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program. These included women and 7 men. Retrospectively, we analysed the results of measurements performed between June 2020 and December 2020 at URI - Soča. The differences between the values obtained before and after the whole treatment were evaluated with the nonparametric Wilcoxon test. Differences between genders were evaluated with the Mann Whitney test. To determine the correlation between age and education level and program efficiency, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used. The threshold for statistical characteristics was set at p ⡤ 0,05. Results: We confirmed the efficiency of the adaptable interdisciplinary rehabilitation program. However, we did not demonstrate that gender affected program efficiency. Patients who participated in an adapted interdisciplinary rehabilitation program showed a statistically significant change in the improvement of static and dynamic balance (p = 0,003). In patients, who participated in an interdisciplinary functional treatment program, a statistically significant change was achieved in the improvement of free limb performance and endurance (p = 0,004). We proved that the level of education affects the performance and endurance of the muscles of the beloved limbs, as well as static and dynamic balance. The analysis of the results only partially confirms the correlation of age with performance, as it only affects static and dynamic balance (p = 0,001). Discussion and conclusion: In this study, the efficacy is mainly related to the improvement of balance. In the future, it would be better to study the effectiveness of the program with improving balance in patients with fibromyalgia.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, fibromyalgia, balance, endurance, flexibility, pain

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