
Interesi in ovire invalidov za ukvarjanje s telesno dejavnostjo v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Kozorog, Alja (Author), ID Štrumbelj, Boro (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kajtna, Tanja (Comentor)

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Invalidi so del naše skupnosti in si zaslužijo enake priložnosti kot vsi ostali. Žal pa temu ni vedno tako. Soočajo se z veliko več izzivi in tudi ukvarjanje s telesno dejavnostjo in zdrav življenjski slog sta dva izmed njih. V magistrski nalogi smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšno je stanje telesne aktivnosti invalidov v Sloveniji, kaj jih pri tem motivira in kaj omejuje. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 193 invalidnih oseb, od tega 82 žensk in 111 moških. Podatke smo pridobili s spletnim vprašalnikom na portalu za ankete EnKlikAnketa.si. Podatke smo nato statistično obdelali in predstavili frekvenčne porazdelitve odgovorov in izračune aritmetične sredine. Ugotovili smo, da se večina anketirancev že ukvarja s telesno dejavnostjo, vendar jih več kot polovica ne dosega priporočljivih časovnih standardov za ukvarjanje s telesno dejavnostjo invalidov. Ugotovili smo tudi, da bi se invalidi najpogosteje radi ukvarjali s telesno dejavnostjo dva- do trikrat na teden, med 16. in 18. uro, v inkluzivni in rekreacijski obliki, z željo, da so dobro telesno pripravljeni in si s telesno vadbo tudi izboljšajo zdravje. Prevladujejo invalidi, ki jih nič ne ovira pri ukvarjanju s telesno dejavnostjo, največji omejitveni dejavniki pa so denar, neinformiranost in čas aktivnosti. Ugotovili smo tudi, da bi se invalidi za telesno dejavnost bolj pogosto odločali, če bi bila ta organizirana s strani šole ali zavoda in da so najpogostejši vir informacij v zvezi s ponudbo telesnih dejavnosti invalidov internet, socialna omrežja in invalidske organizacije. Najbolj priljubljeni športi med invalidi, vključenimi v raziskavo, pa so plavanje, kolesarjenje, atletika, alpsko smučanje, planinski pohodi, ples, ABC športa, kegljanje in balinanje.

Keywords:telesna dejavnost, invalidi, želje in ovire, stanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151119 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169342467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Interests and hurdles of disabled people in relation to physical activity in Slovenia
People with disabilities are an integral part of our community and deserve to have the same opportunities as the rest of the society. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Invalids are facing several challenges, where physical activity and keeping a healthy lifestyle are two of many. Therefore, the main goal of this master thesis was to analyse the current state of invalids’ physical activity in Slovenia and find out what motivates or prevents them from being physically active. The research encompassed 193 physically disabled people, with 82 female and 111 male participants. The data was obtained using an online survey from the EnKlikAnketa.si platform. The collected data was statistically processed and presented with the frequency distribution of answers, along with the calculation of the arithmetic mean. Research showed that most of the survey’s participants are already engaging in physical activities, however, more than 50 % of interviewees do not attain the recommended time frames of physical activity for invalids. Furthermore, the results showed that invalids wish to engage in physical activities two to three times per week, preferably between 4 PM and 6PM, in an inclusive and recreational form with the main purpose of getting in a better physical shape and improving their health. Most respondents do not have any locomotory disabilities and their biggest limiting factors are finance, lack of information, and timing of the physical activity itself. Moreover, we have discovered that invalids would engage more frequently in physical activities, if only they were provided by a school or any other institution. Additionally, the data revealed that the most recurrent source of information on available physical activities is being found on the internet, via social networks, or from disabilities organisations. Lastly, the research found that the most popular sports amongst disabled interviewees are swimming, cycling, track and field, alpine skiing, hiking, dancing, sports programme ABC športa, bowling, and bowls.

Keywords:physical activity, people with disability, facilitators and barriers, conditions

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