
Vzgojiteljevo vključevanje otrok v oblikovanje kotičkov v igralnici : diplomsko delo
ID Zajc, Taja (Author), ID Berčnik, Sanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rožman Krivec, Laura (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vzgojiteljevo vključevanje otrok v oblikovanje kotičkov v igralnici je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu sem se osredotočila na prostor in organizacijo prostora v vrtcu, kotičke v vrtcu in vlogo otrok pri oblikovanju kotičkov. Predstavila sem prostor v igralnici in smernice za oblikovanje le tega. Raziskala sem pomen kotičkov v igralnici, opredelila in opisala različne kotičke, ki jih otroci v vrtcu lahko ustvarjajo in se osredotočila na smernice in proces oblikovanja kotičkov ter vlogo vzgojitelja pri tem. Teoretičen del sem zaključila z opisom participacije otrok in na kratko opisala ravni participacije ter izzive, dileme in nevarnosti pri vključevanju otrok. Glavni cilji empiričnega dela so bili ugotoviti, kako vzgojitelji oblikujejo prostor v igralnici, kako vzgojitelji v vrtcu vključujejo otroke v proces oblikovanja kotičkov in kakšen pomen pripisujejo vzgojitelji vključevanju otrok v načrtovanje prostora. Zanimalo me je, kako vzgojitelji oblikujejo igralne kotičke, kako vzgojitelji vključujejo otroke v proces oblikovanja kotičkov in kakšno je mnenje vzgojiteljev o pomenu vključevanja otrok v oblikovanje kotičkov. Na podlagi rezultatov sem ugotovila, da vzgojitelji kotičke oblikujejo na dano temo, le nekateri pa glede na otrokovo zanimanje in glede na prostor oz. razdaljo kotičkov. Spoznala sem, da si pri oblikovanju kotičkov pomagajo z različnimi elementi (paravani, police, mize itd.) in materiali (umetni materiali, naravni materiali itd.). Skozi proces raziskovanje sem ugotovila, da vzgojitelji otroke vključujejo v pogovor, v proces načrtovanja, izvajanja in evalviranja. Ugotovila sem, da se vzgojiteljeve vloge od vzgojitelja do vzgojitelja razlikujejo. Vse vloge so zelo pomembne, saj otroke vključujejo in vodijo skozi varen proces oblikovanja kotičkov. Rezultati so pokazali, da je vključevanje otrok v oblikovanje kotičkov zelo pomembno, saj se tako otroci več naučijo, izboljšujejo samopodobo, krepijo domišljijo itd., hkrati pa se med samim oblikovanjem kotičkov v igralnici lahko srečamo z različnimi izzivi, ki jih lahko z vztrajnostjo, znanjem, domišljijo in voljo rešimo ali vsaj omilimo.

Keywords:prostor, kotički, vloga vzgojitelja, participacija otrok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Zajc
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (65, [12] str. pril.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151089 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166451715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Preschool Teacher's Involvement of Children in the Design of the Play Corners in the Playroom
The thesis entitled "The involvement of children in the design of play corners in the classroom by the educator" consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. In the theoretical part of the thesis I have dealt with the space and organization of space in the kindergarten, with play corners in the kindergarten and with the role of children in the design of play corners. I introduced the classroom and gave guidelines for its design. I examined the importance of play corners in the classroom, defined and described different play corners that children can design in kindergarten, and focused on the guidelines and process of designing play corners and the role of the educator in this process. I concluded the theoretical section with a description of children's participation and briefly outlined the levels of participation as well as the challenges, dilemmas, and risks associated with children's participation. The main objectives of the empirical part were to find out how educators design the classroom, how educators involve children in the process of designing play corners in kindergarten, and the importance that educators attach to involving children in spatial planning. I was interested in finding out how kindergarten teachers design play corners, how kindergarten teachers involve children in the process of designing play corners, and what opinions kindergarten teachers have about the importance of involving children in the design of play corners. Based on the results, I found that educators design play corners based on predetermined themes, while some consider children's interests and the spatial arrangement of play corners. I discovered that educators use different elements (movable walls, shelves, tables, etc.) and materials (artificial materials, natural materials, etc.) when designing play corners. During the research process, I found that educators involve children in discussions, planning, implementation, and evaluation. I found that the roles of the educators vary from one educator to another. All roles are critical as they involve and guide the children in the safe process of creating the play corner. The results show that involving children in the design of the play corner is very important as it enhances children's learning, self-esteem, imagination, etc. However, challenges may arise in designing the play corner in the classroom, which can be overcome or mitigated through perseverance, knowledge, creativity, and determination.

Keywords:space, play corners, educator's role, children's participation

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