
Poslovni načrt za mikro bioplinarne na kmetijah
ID Kozjek, Blaž (Author), ID Mihelič, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kavčič, Stanko (Comentor)

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Mikro bioplinarne na kmetijah so neizkoriščen potencial pridobivanja energije in zmanjševanja izpustov toplogrednih plinov v okolje. Razlog za to se slabe prakse iz preteklosti in etično vprašanje izrabe hrane v energetske namene. S tem delom želimo predstaviti delovanje bioplinarne na biokemijski in tehnološki ravni in predstaviti zakonsko podlago, ki opredeljuje delovanje le te. Mikro bioplinarne na kmetijah imajo velik potencial v Sloveniji, ker imamo veliko živinorejskih kmetij in veliko kmetij na obrobju mest, ki bi preko energetske izrabe bioplina potencialno lahko ogrevale stanovanjske ali industrijske stavbe. Z mikro bioplinarnami lahko proizvajamo elektriko, toploto in kvalitetno gnojilo, kar posledično zmanjšuje potrebe po mineralnih gnojilih in prinaša dodatni zaslužek s prodajo energije in morebitnih viškov organskega gnojila. S poslovnim načrtom mikro bioplinarne na kmetiji ugotovimo, kakšen finančni dodatek prinaša mikro bioplinarna kmetijskemu gospodarstvu. Na primeru večje kmetije s 203 GVŽ (glav velike živine), smo ugotovili, da se investicija povrne v 6 letih, medtem ko se v primeru manjše kmetije s 56 GVŽ investicija ne povrne in naprava deluje z izgubo. V najboljšem scenariju 20% dviga cen električne in toplotne energije (glede na sedanje odkupne cene elektrike), večja kmetija letno ustvari profit v višini 188.811 €, manjša pa v višini 6.694 €.

Keywords:bioplin, kmetijstvo, mikro bioplinarne, obnovljivi viri energije, poslovni načrti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150968 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166181891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Business plan for on-farm micro biogas plants
On-farm micro- biogas systems represent an untapped potential for energy production and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to the environment. This is due to poor practices from the past and the ethical issue of using food as an energy source. With this paper, I would like to present the functioning of biogas plants at the biochemical and technological level, as well as the legal principles that define the operation of biogas plants. Micro-biogas plants on farms have a great potential in Slovenia, as there are many livestock farms and many farms on the outskirts of the cities, which could potentially heat residential or industrial buildings by using biogas for energy. With micro-biogas plants, we can produce electricity, heat, and high quality fertilizer, which in turn reduces the need for mineral fertilizer and brings additional revenue through the sale of energy and possible surplus organic fertilizer. With the business plan of the micro-biogas plant on the farm, we find out what financial contribution the micro-biogas plant brings to agriculture. In the case of a larger farm with 203 LU (livestock unit) we found that the investment is amortized in 7 years, while in the case of a smaller farm with 56 LU the investment is not amortized and the plant operates at a loss. In the best case of a 20% increase in the prices of electricity and thermal energy (based on the current purchase prices for electricity), a larger farm makes an annual profit of €188,811 and a smaller one €6,694.

Keywords:biogas, agriculture, microbiogas plants, renewable energy resources, business plans

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