
Sinteza in biološko vrednotenje novih piperazinskih zaviralcev Hsp90 s triazolnim skeletom
ID Cej, Kaja (Author), ID Tomašič, Tihomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cotman, Andrej Emanuel (Comentor)

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Proteini toplotnega šoka velikosti 90 kDa (Hsp90) so eni najpomembnejših šaperonov, ki uravnavajo stabilnost, aktivacijo in razgradnjo številnih proteinov, povezanih z rastjo, proliferacijo in preživetjem celic. Pri svojem delovanju interagirajo z več kot 400 klientnimi proteini, med drugim tudi z onkogenimi proteini kot so EGFR, HER2, Braf, Cdk4 in drugi. Povečano izražanje Hsp90 lahko vodi v prekomerno agregacijo klientnih proteinov, promocijo celične proliferacije in angiogeneze, pospešitev celičnega cikla ter promocijo celične migracije in invazije. Hsp90 so tako zanimiva terapevtska tarča, saj z njihovim zaviranjem dosežemo inaktivacijo več klientnih proteinov in njihovo razgradnjo. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo sintetizirali deset zaviralcev C-končne domene Hsp90, pri čemer smo izhajali iz spojine 23 z že znanim antiproliferativnim delovanjem. Spreminjali smo le levi del strukture, medtem ko je osnovna piperazinska struktura s triazolnim skeletom ostala enaka. V nadaljevanju smo citotoksično delovanje končnih spojin ovrednotili na celični liniji raka dojke MCF-7 s pomočjo testa MTS, ki temelji na sposobnosti živih celic, da pretvorijo tetrazolijevo spojino (MTS) v obarvan produkt formazan. Na podlagi rezultatov testa smo raziskali odnos med strukturo in delovanjem teh spojin. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo vse sintetizirane končne spojine, z izjemo neaktivne spojine 22, močnejše protirakavo delovanje kot referenčna spojina 23. Največjo jakost delovanja sta izkazali spojini 21 (IC50 = 1,3 ± 0,0 μM) in 20 (IC50 = 3,4 ± 0,3 μM), ki v levem delu strukture vsebujeta metoksinaftalen (21) in bifenil (20). Na podlagi tega lahko sklepamo, da so večji lipofilni aromatski sistemi v levem delu strukture ključni za močno antiproliferativno delovanje zaviralcev Hsp90. Poleg tega smo ugotovili, da spojine z dvojno halogeno substitucijo izkazujejo močnejšo jakost antiproliferativnega delovanja kot spojine z enojno substitucijo. To nakazuje, da so spojine sposobne tvoriti halogenske interakcije z vezavnim mestom C-končne domene Hsp90. Spojine, ki imajo na benzen prikondenziran nenasičen ciklični sistem, imajo šibkejše delovanje, na podlagi česar predvidevamo, da se te spojine slabše prilegajo v hidrofobni žep oziroma z njim ne tvorijo močnih interakcij. Nova spoznanja so tako pomembno prispevala k boljšemu razumevanju odnosa med strukturo in delovanjem zaviralcev C-končne domene Hsp90.

Keywords:zaviralci Hsp90, C-končna domena, antiproliferativno delovanje, zdravljenje raka, SAR
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150950 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2023
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Title:Synthesis and biological evaluation of piperazine-based Hsp90 inhibitors with triazole scaffold
The 90-kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp90) are among the most important molecular chaperones involved in regulation of stability, activation and degradation of many client proteins associated with cell growth, proliferation and survival. They interact with more than 400 client proteins, including oncogenic proteins such as EGFR, HER2, Braf, Cdk4 and others. Hsp90 upergulation can lead to excessive aggregation of client proteins, promotion of cell proliferation and angiogenesis, acceleration of the cell cycle and promotion of cell migration and invasion. Hsp90 is thus an attractive therapeutic target for cancer treatment since its inhibition inactivates client proteins and also induces their degradation. In this master's thesis, we synthesized ten inhibitors of the C-terminal domain of Hsp90, starting from the compound 23 with known antiproliferative activity. We changed the left part of the structure only, while keeping the piperazine structure with the triazole scaffold unchanged. We evaluated the antiproliferative activity of the final compounds in MCF-7 breast cancer cell line using the MTS assay, which is based on the ability of living cells to convert tetrazolium compound (MTS) into colored product formazan. Based on the test results, we explored the relationship between the compound’s structure and activity. The results demonstrated that all the synthesized compounds, except for the inactive compound 22, displayed more potent antiproliferative activity than the reference compound 23. Compounds 21 (IC50 = 1.3 ± 0.0 μM) and 20 (IC50 = 3.4 ± 0.3 μM), containing methoxynaphthalene (21) and biphenyl (20) moieties in the left part of the structure, showed the most potent antiproliferative activity. These findings indicate that larger lipophilic aromatic systems on the left side of the structure are crucial for potent activity of Hsp90 inhibitors. Additionally, we observed that compounds with double halogen substitution displayed more potent activity compared to those with single halogen substitution. This suggests that these compounds are capable of forming halogen bonds with the binding site of the Hsp90 C-terminal domain. On the other hand, compounds with an unsaturated cyclic system condensed on benzene ring showed weaker activity, possibly due to poor fitting into the hydrophobic pocket or weak interactions in the binding site. These findings have provided valuable insights into the structure-activity relationship of inhibitors targeting the C-terminal domain of Hsp90.

Keywords:Hsp90 inhibitors, C-terminal domain, antiproliferative activity, cancer treatment, SAR

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