
Turizem in planinski obisk v Logarski dolini
ID Rudež, Jan (Author), ID Cigale, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo proučuje trenutno stanje turizma in planinstva v Logarski dolini. V nalogi so predstavljeni ključni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na turizem, in obstoječa turistična ponudba. Glavni namen naloge je s pomočjo ankete proučiti namen obiska in strukturo obiskovalcev, njihovo planinsko udejstvovanje in mnenje o turistični ponudbi v Logarski dolini ter opredeliti morebitne pomanjkljivosti in predlagati možne izboljšave. Logarska dolina je najbolj obiskana v poletnih mesecih (junij, julij in avgust). Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da ima planinstvo velik vpliv na obisk Logarske doline, saj je 45 % anketirancev kot namen obiska navedlo vzpon na vsaj enega izmed vrhov Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp. Največ ljudi obišče Logarsko dolino zaradi slapa Rinka in pohoda do Okrešlja. Anketiranci so v veliki meri zadovoljni z Logarsko dolino kot turistično destinacijo, saj so jo ocenili s povprečno oceno 9,2 (od 10). Kljub temu pa ostajajo še izzivi na področjih umirjanja prometa in boljše informiranosti obiskovalcev o turistični ponudbi ter možnosti izboljšanja turistične ponudbe v obliki turističnih paketov za posameznike in skupine.

Keywords:turistična ponudba, planinarjenje, razvoj turizma, Logarska dolina, Krajinski park Logarska dolina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150930 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Tourism and mountain hiking in the Logar Valley
The thesis examines the current state of tourism and mountaineering in the Logar Valley. The assignment presents the key factors affecting tourism and the existing tourist offer. The main objective is to study the purpose of visit and the structure of visitors, their mountaineering activities and their opinions about the tourist offer in the Logar Valley, and to identify possible shortcomings and propose possible improvements through a survey. The Logar Valley is most visited during the summer months (June, July and August). The results of the survey showed that mountaineering has a great influence on the visit to the Logar Valley, as 45% of the respondents stated that the purpose of the visit was to climb at least one peak of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. Most people visit the Logar Valley because of the Rinka waterfall and the hike to Okrešelj. Respondents are largely satisfied with the Logar Valley as a tourist destination, giving it an average score of 9.2 (out of 10). Nevertheless, there are still challenges in the area of traffic calming and information for visitors about the tourist offer, as well as opportunities to improve the tourist offer in the form of tourist packages for individuals and groups.

Keywords:tourist offer, mountaineering, tourism development, Logar Valley, Logar Valley Landscape Park

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