
Revija Mavrica kot spremljevalec pri verski vzgoji otrok : magistrsko delo
ID Tomažič, Neža (Author), ID Vodičar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Verska vzgoja otrok je vzgoja za otrokov odgovor Bogu. Najpomembnejšo vlogo pri verski vzgoji imajo starši, ki so prvi pričevalci Božje ljubezni. V veri otroke vzgajajo tudi kateheti, ki izvajajo katehezo. Njen namen je živo s srečanje s Kristusom na ravni razuma, telesa in srca. Pri tem uporabljajo različne metode in vire, ki jih opisuje Pravilnik za katehezo. Cerkev na Slovenskem pa pri katehezi sledi Slovenskemu katehetskemu načrtu, v katerem so podani cilji in njihova konkretizacija za vse starostne skupine. Versko vzgojo lahko spremljajo različni pripomočki, med katerimi je tudi katoliška revija za otroke, starše in katehete Mavrica. V obdobju od svojega nastanka leta 1972 do danes, ki je opisano v tem delu, je v vsebinah uresničevala cilje Slovenskega katehetskega načrta in tako dosegala svoj namen: prinašati Jezusa Kristusa. V delu je predstavljena vloga revije Mavrica pri verski vzgoji otrok, kot jo vidijo katehistinje in duhovnik. Z njimi so bili opravljeni intervjuji, kjer so odgovarjali na vprašanja o svoji vlogi pri verski vzgoji otrok, izkušnjah uporabe Mavrice ter potrebah, ki jih na tem področju vidijo. V zaključkih je bilo ugotovljeno, da ima revija Mavrica vlogo predvsem pri družinski verski vzgoji, kjer pa je ravno tako kot pri katehezi pomembno tudi vključevanje odraslih.

Keywords:verska vzgoja otrok, kateheza, vloga staršev, vloga katehetov, Slovenski katehetski načrt, revija Mavrica
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Tomažič]
Number of pages:VI, 55, XXX str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150808 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165992707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Mavrica magazine as a companion in the religious education of children
Religious education of children is education for the child's response to God. The most important role in religious education is played by parents, who are the first witnesses of God's love. Children are also educated in the faith by catechists who carry out catechesis. Its purpose is a lively encounter with Christ at the level of mind, body and heart. In doing so, they use various methods and resources, which are described in the Directory for Catechesis. In catechesis, the Church in Slovenia follows the Slovenski katehetski načrt (Slovenian catechetical plan), in which the goals and their concretization are given for all age groups. Religious education can be accompanied by various aids, including the Catholic magazine Mavrica for children, parents and catechists. In the period from its creation in 1972 to the present, which is described in this work, it fulfilled the goals of the Slovenski katehetski načrt in terms of content and thus achieved its purpose: to bring Jesus Christ. In the last part, the role of the Mavrica magazine in the religious education of children is presented, as seen by the catechists and the priest, who were interviewed. They answered questions about their role in the religious education of children, their experience of using Mavrica and the needs they have in this area. In the conclusions, it was established that Mavrica magazine plays a role mainly in family religious education, where, just as in catechesis, the involvement of adults is also important.

Keywords:religious education of children, catechesis, role of parents, role of catechists, Slovenski katehetski načrt, magazine Mavrica

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