
Projekti Williama Pettyja: presečišča vednosti, oblasti in bogastva v novoveški Angliji in njenih kolonijah
ID Kušej, Arne (Author), ID Vörös, Sebastjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava praktične in teoretične projekte zgodnjenovoveškega naravoslovca, izumitelja in političnega ekonomista Williama Pettyja, pri čemer poudarja njegovo povezanost z reformnim projektom “velike prenove”, ki ga je zasnoval angleški državnik in filozof Francis Bacon. Argumentira, da sta se tako Petty kot Bacon zanimala za institucionalizacijo empirične in eksperimentalistične vednosti, ki bi lahko prispevala k temeljnemu družbenemu napredku; k napredku, ki ga je mogoče razumeti kot izboljšanje moči dela ali produktivnih zmogljivosti družbe. Sprva se osredotoči na Bacona in njegovo prenovo filozofskega naravoslovja, ki naj bi filozofe približala delovnim procesom zgodnjenovoveške družbe. Njegova reforma naj bi tradicionalno brezdelno in sterilno filozofijo, ki so jo razvili stari Grki in je svoj najvišji izraz našla v sholastiki, nadomestila z delovno in produktivno silo, ki bi lahko pomagala pri učinkovitem izkoriščanju narave za gospodarsko in politično korist Anglije. Na podlagi pregleda Baconovega predlaganega reformnega projekta magistrsko delo pokaže, da je bil Petty – kot član baconovskega Hartlibovega kroga in pozneje Londonske kraljeve družbe za izboljšanje naravne vednosti – podpornik, branilec in uresničevalec Baconovih idej. Pokaže tudi, da je Petty Baconov projekt razširil z lastnimi predlogi za reforme spoznavnih institucij in z razvojem kvantitativne politične vednosti, imenovane politična aritmetika, ki jo je Petty razumel kot teoretično orodje za učinkovito organizacijo in izkoriščanje dela tako v Angliji kot tudi v njenih kolonijah.

Keywords:velika prenova, eksperimentalizem, delo, Hartlibov krog, politična aritmetika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150790 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168278019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The Projects of William Petty: Intersections of Knowledge, Power, and Wealth in Early-Modern England and Its Colonies
The master's thesis examines the practical and theoretical projects of the early modern natural philosopher, inventor, and political economist William Petty, emphasizing his relationship to the earlier reform project of the Great Instauration that was outlined by the English statesman and philosopher Francis Bacon. It argues that both Petty and Bacon were interested in the institutionalization of reformed empirical and experimentalist knowledge that would be able to contribute to fundamental social advancement; advancement that could be understood as the improvement of the powers of labour or the productive powers of society. First, it focuses on Bacon, showing that he was primarily interested in the reform of natural philosophy which would bring philosophers closer to the laboring processes of early modern society. Bacon’s proposed reform would replace a traditionally idle and sterile philosophy, which was developed by the ancient Greeks and found its highest expression in the scholastics, into a labouring and productive force, one that would be able to assist in the productive exploitation of nature for the economic and political advantage of England. On the basis of an overview of Bacon's proposed project of reform, the master's thesis argues that Petty was – as a member of the baconian Hartlib Circle and later of The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge – a supporter, defender, and practitioner of Bacon’s ideas. It also shows that Petty extended Bacon’s project with his own proposals for institutional reform and with the development of his quantitative political science, called political arithmetic, which he understood as a theoretical tool for the efficient organization and exploitation of labor, both in England and its colonies.

Keywords:the Great Instauration, experimentalism, labour, the Hartlib Circle, political arithmetic

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