
Primerjava rezultatov izračuna lesne zaloge dreves glede na izbrane nacionalne in harmonizirano evropsko definicijo
ID Verhnjak, Gašper (Author), ID Skudnik, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na podlagi meritev prsnega premera in višine 1031 dreves, ki so bile opravljene na desetih raziskovalnih ploskvah v Sloveniji, je bila opravljena primerjava izračunov volumnov stoječega živega drevja in lesne zaloge po enovhodnih deblovnicah (prilagojene enotne francoske tarife (PEF)), dvovhodnimi deblovnicami in krivuljami za opis oblike debla. Preverili smo tudi, koliko se razlikuje izračun lesne zaloge dreves, izračunan po enovhodnih deblovnicah od mednarodno usklajene definicije COST Action E43. Ugotovitve kažejo, da se omenjene metode med seboj statistično razlikujejo, kajti dvovhodne deblovnice dajo v povprečju 9 % višje ocene volumnov in lesne zaloge v primerjavi z enovhodnimi deblovnicami, krivulje za opis oblike debla pa 3 % višje. Izračun lesne zaloge po usklajeni mednarodni definiciji predstavlja 12 % nižje ocene. Ob primerjavi ocen lesne zaloge iglavcev in listavcev po nacionalni definiciji (enovhodne deblovnice) in harmonizirani metodi je bilo ugotovljeno, da je lesna zaloga iglavcev višja za 9 %, lesna zaloga listavcev pa za 14 %.

Keywords:PEF, dvovhodne deblovnice, KOOD, volumen dreves, lesna zaloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[G. Verhnjak]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150750 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165692419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the results of the growing stock estimation according to the selected national and harmonised european definition
Based on measurements of the diameter at breast height and height of 1031 trees taken on ten study plots in Slovenia, a comparison was made between the calculations of living standing tree volumes and growing stock by one parametric volume functions (adapted uniform French tariffs) with two parametric volume functions and stem taper equations. It was also checked the difference between the calculation of the growing stock of trees calculated using one parametric volume functions and the internationally harmonised COST Action E43 definition. The findings show that these methods are statistically different from each other, with the two parametric volume functions giving on average 9% higher estimates of volumes and growing stock in comparison with one parametric volume functions and the stem taper equations 3% higher. Estimates of the growing stock by the harmonised method were 12% lower. Comparing the estimates of conifer and broadleaved growing stock according to the national definition (one parametric volume functions) and the harmonized method, it was found that conifer growing stock is 9% higher and broadleaved growing stock is 14% higher.

Keywords:AUF, two parametric volume functions, taper functions, tree volume, growing stock

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