
Primerjava polnopovršinske vektorske in vzorčno statistične metode spremljanja izbranih rab tal v občini Bovec
ID Ogrič, Anže (Author), ID Skudnik, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za občino Bovec se je za leta 2006, 2011 in 2020 izvedlo primerjavo spremljanja stanja pokrovnosti oziroma rabe tal med polnopovršinsko vektorsko in vzorčno statistično metodo. Občina Bovec je bila izbrana, ker je na podlagi predhodne analize prostorskih slojev karte rabe tal Ministrstva za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano (MKGP) delež gozdnatosti nakazoval na največje spremembe. Z uporabo teh dveh metod smo ugotovili, da je za pregled stanja in sprememb rabe tal polnopovršinska metoda primerna za manjšinske rabe, ampak ni primerna za prikazovanje sprememb, medtem ko je vzorčno statistična metoda veliko boljša za prikazovanje sprememb večinskih rab, omogoča možnost zgostitve mreže in kombiniranje točk s polnopovršinsko vektorsko metodo. Zbrani podatki, ki jih pridobimo s tema metodama nam omogočajo poročanje v različnih sektorjih. Stanje in spremembe rabe tal so zelo pomemben vir podatkov za evidence ponora ogljika in ostalih toplogrednih plinov v rabi tal, ki bodo v prihodnje postale eden izmed vse pomembnejših razlogov za vzpostavitev kvalitetnejšega sistema spremljanja rabe tal.

Keywords:raba tal, sprememba rabe tal, pokrovnost, sektor LULUCF, občina Bovec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Ogrič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150749 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165694467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the full landscape vector and statistical sampling method for monitoring selected land uses in the municipality of Bovec
For the municipality of Bovec, a comparison of land cover or land use monitoring between the full landscape vector and statistical sampling method was carried out for the years 2006, 2011 and 2020. The municipality of Bovec was selected, because based on a preliminary analysis of the spatial layers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food's (MKGP) land use map, the proportion of forest cover indicated the biggest changes. By using this two methods, we found out that for land use and land use changes full landscape vector method is suitable for minority land uses, but not for analyzing land use changes, while the statistical sampling method is much better for showing changes in major land use classes, allowing the possibility of densifying the grid and combining sample points with the full landscape vector method. The data collected by these methods allows us to report across different sectors. Condition and changes in land use are very important source of data for inventories of carbon sinks and other greenhouse gases, which will become one of the increasingly important reasons for establishing a better quality land-use system in the future.

Keywords:land use, land use change, land cover, LULUCF sector, municipality of Bovec

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