
Zlata trsna rumenica in njeni vplivi na vinsko trto (Vitis sp.)
ID Horvat, Iztok (Author), ID Rusjan, Denis (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zlata trsna rumenica (ZTR) je kronična bolezen vinske trte, ki vodi v propad predvsem žlahtne vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L.). ZTR povzroča karantenska fitoplazma podskupine 16S rRNA V-C in V-D. Fitoplazmo prenaša vektor ameriški škržatek (Scaphoideus titanus Ball) s prehranjevanjem na trti. Najpogostejša bolezenska znamenja pri okuženih rastlinah so zvijanje listov vinske trte navzdol, rumenenje listov pri belih ter rdečenje listov pri rdečih sortah in razbarvanje listnih ploskev ter listnih žil, listi so krhki in ko odpadejo, ostane pecelj na trti. Prihaja tudi do osipanja grozdov, zmanjšan je pridelek, ki je tudi manj kakovosten. V Sloveniji so po okužbi bolezenska znamenja vidna od začetka julija ter so postopoma bolj izrazita proti jeseni. Bolezen inhibira prevodnost in rast floemskih in ksilemskih tkiv, ki so odgovorna za prenos organskih in anorganskih snovi teh vode po rastlini. Na mestih, kjer prihaja do neprevodnosti tkiv nastanejo manjše žile. Prihaja do pomanjkanja periderma, kopičenja lipidov v kloroplastih listnega parenhima, odsotnosti plutastega kambija ter pomanjkanja lignina. Pridelek je zmanjšan, grozdi se lahko predčasno posušijo. Vino je manj kakovostno, z večjo vsebnostjo kislin ter mineralov. Zaradi kronične zamašitve ksilema lahko trta na koncu propade. V Sloveniji imamo s ZTR veliko težav, saj je razširjena v vseh treh vinorodnih deželah. Proti širjenju bolezni se izvaja različne ukrepe, kot so obvezno tretiranje trt z insekticidi, s katerim skušamo zmanjšati populacijo ameriškega škržatka, odstranjevanje okuženih rastlin iz vinograda, odstranjevanje gostiteljskih rastlin iz vinogradov in bližine teh, sajenje neokuženih cepljenk, pravočasna detekcija okužb ter nadzorovano premikanje rastlinskega razmnoževalnega materiala in še več. Pomembni so ukrepi v matičnjakih, matičnih vinogradih ter trsnicah, kjer moramo upoštevati strožje razmere za nadzorovanje bolezni, saj se lahko bolezen z okuženim sadilnim materialom hitro razširi. Najučinkovitejši ukrep za izkoreninjenje ZTR v sadilnem materialu je tretiranje cepičev, ključev podlag ali cepljenk z vročo vodo (50 °C za 45 min), ki bo postala nujna trsničarska praksa tudi v Sloveniji.

Keywords:vinska trta, fitoplazme, zlata trsna rumenica, ameriški škržatek, ukrepi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150709 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165911299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Flavescence dorée and its impact on the grapevine (Vitis sp.)
Flavescence Doreé (FD) is a chronic grapevine yellow disease that leads to the decline of grapevine, especially noble grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). Grapevine yellow is caused by the quarantine phytoplasma of the subgroups16S rRNA V-C in V-D. Phytoplasma is transmitted by the vector American grapevine leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus Ball), by feeding on vines. The most common symptoms of FD on infected plants are the curling of vine leaves downwards, yellowing of leaves at white and reddening of leaves at red varieties and discoloration of leaf surfaces and leaf veins, the leaves are fragile and when they fall, the stalk remains on the vine, there is dropping of clusters, the yield is reduced and with lower quality. In Slovenia, FD symptoms are visible after the infection from the beginning of July and thus gradually become more pronounced towards autumn. The disease inhibits conductivity and growth of phloem and xylem tissues, which are responsible for the transfer of organic and inorganic substances and water to plants. Smaller vessels form in places where the tissue is not conductive. There is a lack of periderm, an accumulation of lipids in the chloroplasts of the leaf parenchyma, the absence of corky cambium and a lack of lignin. The yield is reduced, the bunches may dry prematurely. The wine is of lower quality, there are noticeable differences in the sensory, with highest acidity and minerals in the wine. This chronic blockage of the xylem can eventually cause the vine to fail. In Slovenia, we have many problems with FD, as it is widespread in all three winegrowing regions. To reduce the FD spreading various measures can be applied such as mandatory treatment of vines with insecticides, with which we try to reduce the population of the American grapevine leafhopper, removing infected vines as well as host plants from vineyards, planting of uninfected grafts, timely detection of infected plants and controlled transfer of plant vegetation, propagating material and more. Measures are important in rootstocks nurseries, vineyards with mother vines and nurseries, where stricter conditions for disease control must be taken into account, as the disease can spread quickly with infected planting material. The most effective measure for the elimination of FD phytoplasma is the treatment of planting material with hot water (50 °C for 45 min), which will become a necessary practice in Slovenia as well.

Keywords:grapevine, phytoplasma, Flavescence dorée, American grapevine leafhopper, measures

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