
Vpliv deleža recikliranega PVC materiala na lastnosti in karakteristike priključka urinskega katetra
ID Kolenc, Sebastjan (Author), ID Slemenik Perše, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Polimerni izdelki so osvojili mnoga področja industrijskega in družbenega življenja ter izjemno prispevali k visokemu življenjskemu standardu in tehničnemu razvoju naše sodobne družbe predvsem zaradi cenovne dostopnosti in vsestranskosti. Takšna razširjenost polimernih izdelkov posledično privede tudi do kopičenja in odlaganja ogromnih količin odpadne plastike, kar pa predstavlja velik okoljski, družbeni in gospodarski problem. Da bi se s temi problemi najbolje spopadli moramo ovrednotiti celoten življenjski cikel izdelka s pravilno izbiro in porabo materialov ter v končni fazi z možnostjo ponovne uporabe ali predelave – recikliranja. Reciklirani materiali se zato vse bolj uporabljajo že v fazi proizvodnje, predvsem z vidika trajnostnega razvoja in zniževanja cen polizdelkov. Tovrsten primer je tudi uporaba recikliranega oziroma mletega materiala, ki ga skozi proces brizganja dobimo z mletjem hladnih dolivkov (le ti so stranski produkt proizvodnega procesa) ter izmetnih polizdelkov, ki ne ustrezajo postavljenim kriterijem za zagotavljanje kvalitete in hkrati seveda niso onesnaženi z neustreznimi primesmi. Uporabo recikliranega oziroma mletega materiala pri procesu brizganja smo v predstavljeni nalogi podrobneje eksperimentalno ovrednotili na primeru priključka urinskega katetra. Pripravljeni vzorci z različnimi deleži mletega materiala so bili preverjeni in testirani predvsem z vidika ustreznosti in zagotavljanja skladnosti z zahtevami standarda za urinske katetre. Tako so bile izvedene metode za varnost priključka, trdnost spoja med priključkom in cevjo urinskega katetra, ustreznost premera na mestu nalega cevi v priključku in mase ter natezni preizkus priključka. S pomočjo izvedenih testov in uporabljenih metod se je izkazalo, da so vsi vzorci z različnimi deleži recikliranega materiala ustrezni in, da se tudi primerjalno glede na preverjane karakteristike in lastnosti bistveno ne razlikujejo med seboj.

Keywords:Recikliranje, polivinilklorid, mletje odpadnega materiala, priključek urinskega katetra
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Kolenc]
Number of pages:XII, 54 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150633 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:171096067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of different shares of recycled PVC material on the properties and characteristics of the the urinary catheter connector
Polymer products have conquered many areas of industrial and social life and they provide an outstanding contribution to the high living standard and technical development of our modern society, mostly due to their affordability and versatility. Such a proliferation of polymer products also leads to the accumulation and disposal of huge amounts of waste plastic, which represents a major environmental, social and economic problem. In order to deal with it in the best possible way, we must evaluate the entire life cycle of the product with the correct selection and consumption of materials and, in the final stage, with the possibility of reuse or re-processing - recycling. Based on that recycled materials are increasingly used already in the production phase, especially from sustainable development and lowering the prices of semi-finished products point of view. An example of this type is the use of recycled (regrind) material, which is obtained through the injection process by grinding cold castings (which are side products of the production process) and discarded semi-finished products that do not meet the set criteria for quality assurance and are, of course, not contaminated. In the presented thesis, this process is experimentally evaluated in details on the example of a urinary catheter connector (funnel). Prepared samples with different proportions of ground material (regrind) were checked and tested mainly from the point of view of suitability and ensuring compliance with the requirements of standards for urinary catheters. Related to that, methods implemented were for the safety of the connector, the strength of the connection between the connector and the urinary catheter tube, the suitability of the diameter at the point where the tube fits into the connector, mass suitability and the tensile test of the connector. Through the tests performed and the methods used, it has been shown that all the samples with different proportions of ground material are suitable, there is also no significant difference in obtained results comparing each sample with other related to the measured characteristics and properties.

Keywords:Recycling, polyvinyl chloride, grinding of waste material, connector of urinary catheter

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