
Lažne dileme in prava vprašanja (sodobne) arhitekture
ID Rudman, Nuša (Author), ID Čeferin, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga odsotnost kritičnega mišljenja, ki je problem današnjega sveta, obravnava kot specifični arhitekturni problem, zaradi katerega so se v t. i. poneumljajočo logiko ujele mnoge razprave o arhitekturi in obravnave arhitekturnih pogojev, ki neposredno vodijo v stališče, da je arhitektura prakticirana v kontekstu popolne odvisnosti od zunanjih sil. Naloga je poziv k arhitekturnemu delovanju, ki vključuje refleksijo lastnega delovanja, raziskovanje možnosti, kompleksnosti in spremenljivosti samih pogojev arhitekture. Tega podviga se loti tudi sama. Opirajoč se na teoretsko strukturo, ki vključuje dela arhitekturne teorije, filozofije in filozofije arhitekture, teoretsko razvija arhitekturo kot avtonomno, emancipatorično prakso, ki vztrajno in aktivno zaseda kulturni prostor in vanj intervenira. Torej prakso, ki ne pristaja na stališče, da je arhitektura prakticirana v kontekstu popolne odvisnosti, saj si svoje zakone določa sama, in sicer znotraj vsakokratnega danega spleta pogojev. Osrednja teza naloge je, da je treba za nadaljevanje takšne prakse arhitekture zavrniti t. i. lažne dileme, pred katere je arhitektura, in z njo mi kot arhitektke in arhitekti, vedno znova postavljena. Naloga pokaže na tri takšne dileme. Lažne so zato, ker zakrivajo prava vprašanja (sodobne) arhitekture. To so tista vprašanja, ki omogočajo arhitekturi, da se distancira od popolne vpreženosti in določenosti s svetom, kakršen je. Naloga to problematiko podrobno razvija tako, da se osredotoča na tri izbrane pogoje oziroma razsežnosti arhitekturnega projektiranja. Ti pogoji so: uporabnik, dvojica uporabnost-estetika in kontekst. Na podlagi analize teh treh pogojev oziroma razsežnosti naloga zariše nekatera prava vprašanja arhitekture, torej tista, ki odpirajo možnost njenega nadaljevanja kot prakse, ki se v danem svetu določa sama in šele tako gradi zares človeški svet.

Keywords:arhitektura, kritična refleksija, emancipirani uporabnik, estetika in uporabnost v arhitekturi, kontekstualnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150617 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166224387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:False dilemma and the real questions of (contemporary) architecture
This thesis considers the absence of critical thinking, to use Arendt’s expression, thoughtlessness, which is a problem of our time, as architecture-specific problem, which has led to many discussions of architecture and treatments of architectural conditions being caught up in a so-called stultifying logic, leading directly to the view that architecture is practised in a context of utter dependence on external forces. This work is a call for architectural practice that involves reflection on one’s own action, an exploration of the possibilities, complexities and variability of the very conditions of architecture, a venture that is embarked here as well. Based on a theoretical structure that includes works of architectural theory, philosophy and philosophy of architecture, it theoretically discusses and develops architecture as an autonomous, emancipatory practice that persistently and actively occupies and intervenes in cultural space. A practice that does not subscribe to the notion that architecture is practised in a context of total dependence, because it makes its own laws, within any given set of conditions. The central thesis of this paper is that in order to continue such a practice of architecture, it is necessary to reject the so-called false dilemmas that architecture, and with it we as architects, are repeatedly confronted with. It points to three such dilemmas. They are false because they obscure the right questions of (contemporary) architecture. These are the questions that allow architecture to distance itself from its total immersion in and determination by the world as it is. The thesis elaborates on these issues by focusing on three selected conditions or dimensions of architectural design. These conditions are: the user, the utility-aesthetics pair and the context. Based on an analysis of these three conditions or dimensions, the thesis outlines (some of) the relevant questions of/for architecture, that is, the questions that open up the possibility for its continuation as a practice that is and operates in the world such that it determines itself, that it sets its own orientation, and only as such can build a truly human world.

Keywords:architecture, critical reflection, emancipated user, aesthetics and usability in architecture, contextuality

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