
Problematika prekarnega dela v slovenski glasbeni industriji : diplomsko delo
ID Pongrac, Nika (Author), ID Ignjatović, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je raziskovanje dejavnikov prekarnosti, raziskovanje kulturne, bolj specifično glasbene industrije. Odgovarjam na vprašanje, katere so ključne težave in priložnosti za izboljšavo stanja oseb, ki so pogosto spregledane med tem, ko njihovo delo ni. Zanima me, kako umetniki doživljajo glasbeno industrijo, svoje delovanje in v kolikšni meri se istovetijo z dejavniki prekarizacije. V teoretičnem delu raziskujem dejavnike prekarnih oblik dela, Bordieou-jeve oblike kapitala in dejavnike kreativne industrije, katere nato združim v smiselno celoto, ki je tudi podlaga za sestavo vprašanj za intervjuje. Na podlagi zastavljenega teoretskega okvirja, ki opredeljuje faktorje prekarnosti, izvajam 7 odprtih intervjujev z glasbeniki, izvajalci, producenti, tonskimi mojstri, mnogimi, ki pokrivajo več od naštetih pozicij. Negotovost kot ključni dejavnik prekarizacije mnogokrat pride do izraza v odgovorih. Izpostavljajo pomanjkanje ekonomskega kapitala, ki je velika bariera pri pridobivanju drugih oblik kapitala, zavedajo se tudi pomembnosti socialnih mrež pri pridobivanju dela. Prav tako so nekateri občutili vpliv glasbene industrije na njihovo fizično in mentalno zdravje. Mnogi zaključujejo, da so na tem področju potrebne spremembe, vendar tudi dvomijo, ali bo do teh sprememb sploh lahko prišlo.

Keywords:prekarno delo, kulturna industrija, glasbena industrija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Pongrac
Number of pages:51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150554 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165628163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The problematic of precarious work in the Slovenian music industry
This work aims to investigate the factors of precariousness, research the cultural, more specifically music industry and how the factors of precariousness are reflected in this area. I am answering the question of the key problems and opportunities for improving the situation of people who are often overlooked while their work is not. I am interested in how artists experience the music industry, their work and to what extent they identify with the factors of precarization. In the theoretical part, I research the factors of precarious forms of work, Bordieou's forms of capital and the factors of the creative industry, which I then combine into a meaningful summary, which is the basis for composing interview questions. Based on the set theoretical framework that defines the factors of precariousness, I conducted 7 open interviews with musicians, performers, producers, and sound engineers, many of who cover more than the listed positions. Uncertainty as a critical factor of precarization is often expressed in the answers. The respondents highlight the lack of economic capital, which is a major barrier to obtaining other forms of capital and are also aware of the importance of social networks in obtaining work. Also, some felt the music industry's impact on their physical and mental health. Many conclude that changes are needed in this area butdoubt whether these changes will ever happen.

Keywords:precarious work, cultural industry, music industry

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