Due to the protection of forests from bark beetles, after the extraction of round wood has been completed, logging residues have recently started to be extracted, in which case mechanical skidding technology is used. Since the extract of wood residues raises a number of questions from various aspects, the purpose of the thesis was to determine the efficiency of this process. Thus, in the research, we made a time study wood residue extraction with a Ponsse Elk forwarder was made in which, the workload, the impact of the extraction on the forest soil and, after chipping and sale, the economics of the export, according to the sale of wood chips on the forest road and the energy value of the fuel and wood chips used. According to our estimates, 37,642 kg of wood residues were extracted from the worksite, which were then chipped into chips. We found that the export cost was 262.1 € higher than the purchase price of wood chips on the forest road. Export efficiency was 7.6 min/t during productive time and 10.3 min/t during working time. The energy value of the produced wood chips exceeded the energy value of the fuel used for export by 162 times. The workload did not exceed the permissible loads and is similar to the difficulty of exporting round wood. After the export of logging residues, the depth of ruts increased by 0.9 cm on average, and the width of the paths by 1 cm. Thus, we concluded that the export of wood residues has a positive energy balance, but it can have a negative impact on the economy of work as well as the environment.