
Spletke sodobne umetnosti / Le še ena pravljica
ID Agostini Pregelj, Valentina (Author), ID Kariž, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Koršič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Teoretični cilj naloge je raziskati različne načine, s katerimi se pripoved manifestira v likovni umetnosti preteklosti in pojavlja v sodobni umetnosti. Za začetek opredelim osnovne pojme za mojo raziskavo, ki izhajajo iz misli Aristotela, Rolanda Barthesa, Johna Bergerja in Paula Ricoeurja. Prikažem razvoj in vpliv pripovedi na vizualne umetnosti skozi primere iz umetniške zgodovine, posebno izpostavim pojav konceptualizma in uveljavitev koncepta kot osrednji izraz, ki po novem določa umetniški diskurz. Skozi celotno nalogo je velika pozornost namenjena tudi primerjavi določenih razmerij med umetnostnimi pojmi, kot so: podoba in tekst, podoba in pripoved ter pripoved in koncept. Posebej izpostavim tudi pripovedni karakter znotraj umetniških razstav in pri tem poudarim vlogo kuratorja-umetnika. Zaključim s predstavitvijo svoje slikarske pripovedi iz časa magistrskega študija, prikažem razvoj sicer tematsko nepovezanih del in nove slike, ki raziskujejo razmerje podoba, tekst in pripoved.

Keywords:Slikarstvo, pripoved, čas, konceptualizem, naratologija, kurator, podoba, besedilo, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150484 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2023
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Title:Plots of Contemporary Art / Yet Another Fairytale
The theoretical goal of the thesis is to explore different ways in which narrative manifests itself in the fine arts of the past and how it appears in contemporary art. In the beginning, I define basic terms relevant for my research, which originate in the thoughts of Aristoteles, Roland Barthes, John Berger and Paul Ricoeur. I show the development and the influence of narrative on the visual arts through examples from the history of art. I highlight the emergence of conceptualism and the establishment of concept as the main topic that defines art discourse today. In the thesis, great attention is given to the relationship comparison between various art phenomena, such as: image and text, image and narrative, narrative and concept. I expose the narrative character of the art exhibition and I emphasise the role of the curator-artist. I conclude the thesis with the presentation of the story of my painting practice from the time of my master’s study. I show the development of thematically unconnected works and new paintings that explore the roles of image, text and narrative, and their relationship with one another.

Keywords:Painting, narrative, time, conceptualism, narratology, curator, image, text, MA thesis

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