
Položaj otroka kot priče v kazenskem postopku : magistrsko diplomsko delo
ID Končan, Neža (Author), ID Hafner, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo z naslovom Položaj otroka kot priče v kazenskem postopku obravnava problematiko veljavne ureditve vpetosti otrok v kazenski postopek v vlogi priče ali mladoletnega oškodovanca. Otroci so ranljivi in niso sposobni skrbeti zase, še vedno pa so prevečkrat žrtve nasilja, kar v njih sproži občutke prizadetosti, strahu in poruši občutek varnosti in zaupanja. Naša glavna skrb v kazenskem postopku je torej poskrbeti za njihovo korist in poiskati načine za zmanjševanje škode in škodljivih učinkov sekundarne viktimizacije, ki jih ima za otroke sodelovanje v kazenskem postopku. Predstavljene so določbe Zakona o kazenskem postopku, ki se nanašajo sprva na otroke v vlogi priče, nato pa še mladoletnega oškodovanca, pri čemer je poudarek na posebnosti zasliševanja otrok v kazenskem postopku. Ker ima obstoječa ureditev še vedno številne pomanjkljivosti in ne ponuja modela za celostno obravnavo otrok, poleg tega pa je potrebno področje zaščite otrok v kazenskem postopku nenehno izboljševati, je v naslednjem poglavju opisan model Barnahus oziroma Hiša za otroke, vodilni evropski model, ki združuje multidisciplinarni pristop obravnave otrok, žrtev kaznivih dejanj. Predstavljeni so razlogi za sprejetje Zakona o zaščiti otrok v kazenskem postopku in njihovi celostni obravnavi v hiši za otroke, podrobneje pa se osredotočim na določbe, ki se nanašajo na zaslišanje otrok. Pomembno je, da imajo strokovnjaki, ki se pogovarjajo z otrokom v kateri koli fazi kazenskega postopka, osnovno znanje s področja razvojne psihologije, zato se naloga v nadaljevanju posveča obravnavi otrokovih razvojnih značilnosti. Posvetim se tudi nekaterim psihološkim dejavnikom, ki vplivajo na točnost in verodostojnost otrokovega pričanja, saj so raziskave v zadnjih letih pokazale, da so otroci vse pogosteje udeleženi v kazenskih postopkih in veliko kompetentnejši, kot se je zanje sprva domnevalo, pri čemer moramo upoštevati, da potrebujejo specifičen način obravnave, ki je prilagojen njihovi razvojni stopnji.

Keywords:otrok, priča, oškodovanec, kazenski postopek, zaslišanje, Hiša za otroke/Barnahus, Zakon o zaščiti otrok v kazenskem postopku in njegovi celostni obravnavi v hiši za otroke.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Končan
Number of pages:57 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150482 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165170947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of the Child as a Witness in Criminal Proceedings
The Master's thesis entitled The Role of the Child as a Witness in Criminal Proceedings addresses the issue of the current regulation of the involvement of children in criminal proceedings as witnesses or as minor victims. Children are vulnerable and unable to take care of themselves, yet too often they are victims of violence, which causes them to feel hurt, fearful and breaks down their sense of security and trust. Our main concern in criminal proceedings is therefore to look after their best interests and ways of reducing the harm and harmful effects of secondary victimisation that children suffer as a result of their involvement in criminal proceedings. It presents the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act relating first to children as witnesses and then as minor victims, focusing on the specificities of questioning children in criminal proceedings. As the current system still has many shortcomings and does not offer a model for the holistic treatment of children, and as the field of child protection in criminal proceedings is in need of continuous improvement, in the next section, the Barnahus model or Children's House is described. It is a leading European model that combines a multidisciplinary approach to treating child victims of crime. The reasons for the adoption of the Act on the Protection of Children in Criminal Proceedings and their Integrated Treatment in the Children's House are further presented, whereas more focus is put on the provisions relating to interviewing children. It is important that professionals who talk to a child at any stage of the criminal justice process have a basic knowledge of developmental psychology, so the following section focuses on the child's developmental characteristics. Finally, the thesis concentrates on some of the psychological factors affecting the accuracy and credibility of a child's testimony, as research in recent years has shown that children are increasingly involved in criminal proceedings and are much more competent than was initially believed. However, it needs to be borne in mind that they need a specific way of treatment, adapted to their stage of development.

Keywords:child, witness, victim, criminal proceedings, hearing, Children's House/Barnahus, Protection of Children in Criminal Procedure and their Comprehensive Treatment in Children's House Act.

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