
Razvoj konverterjev za detekcijo hitrih nevtronov s polprevodniškimi detektroji iz silicijevega karbida
ID Žiber, Ylenia (Author), ID Snoj, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Radulovič, Vladimir (Comentor)

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Polprevodni material silicijev karbid (SiC) se široko uporablja v močnostni elek- troniki, v preteklih letih pa so ga začeli uporabljati tudi kot alternativo plinskim detektorjem nevtronov na osnovi $^3$He. Detektorji na osnovi SiC so visoko odporni proti sevanju, omogočajo odlično razlikovanje med nevtroni in gama žarki ter nudijo odlično razmerje med signalom in šumom. Detekcija nevtronov v polprevodniških detektorjih vključuje uporabo materiala, ki interagira z nevtroni, pri čemer nasta- nejo nabiti delci, ki jih je mogoče zaznati v polprevodniški diodi. Temu materialu pravimo konverter. Izbira konverterja je odvisna od energijskega spektra nevtronov, ki nas zanima. Za zaznavanje termičnih nevtronov se skoraj izključno uporabljata konverterja z $^{6}$Li ali $^{10}$B. To magistrsko delo je osredotočeno na raziskavo konver- terjev za hitre nevtrone in upošteva izotope, kot so $^{40}$Ca, $^{39}$K in $^{35}$Cl, ki bi lahko omogočali občutljivost v energijskem območju nevtronov okrog 1 MeV, in $^{22}$Na. V magistrskem delu smo opravili serijo eksperimentalnih meritev odziva detek- torja iz SiC z različnimi konfiguracijami konverterja iz KCl za hitre nevtrone na reaktorju TRIGA na Institutu “Jožef Stefan”. S pridobljenimi eksperimentalnimi rezultati nismo mogli potrditi doprinosa konverterja k detekciji hitrih nevtronov, predvsem zaradi intrinzičnega odziva detektorja. Odziv detektorja smo preučili računsko s simulacijami transporta delcev po me- todi Monte Carlo z uporabo programa MCNP. Uporabljena sta bila dve pristopa, direktni in dvokoračni, glede na reakcijske hitrosti izbranih izotopov. V prvem koraku dvokoračnega pristopa je bil definiran izvor nevtronov, izračunan pa izvor sekundarnih nabitih delcev, ki so posledica nevtronskih interakcij v konverterju. V drugem pa je bil definiran izvor sekundarnih delcev, izračunan pa odziv detektorja - spekter pulzov zaradi vpadnih sekundarnih delcev. Računska analiza je pokazala izredno visok odziv za konverter iz $^{22}$Na pri ener- gijah nižjih od 0.5 MeV, in za en red velikosti višji odziv kot za konverterja KCl in CaCl$_2$. Energijska spektra KCl in CaCl$_2$ sta si zelo podobna, ker sta obe snovi iz $^{35}$Cl ter imata $^{40}$Ca in $^{39}$K podobna pragovna mikroskopska preseka za reakcijo (n,p). Primerjali smo računske in eksperimentalne rezultate za spekter pulzov v diodi, in našli le malo podobnosti. Pri izračunu energijskega spektra pulzov smo uporabili zgodovino delcev. Izračunali smo tudi povprečno energijo odrivnih jeder, ki je 0.77 MeV. Ugotovili smo, da je intrinzični odziv detektorja vsaj za red velikosti višji od pri- čakovanega odziva s konverterjem hitrih nevtronov, kar pojasnjuje eksperimentalne rezultate. Za nadaljnje raziskave koverterjev hitrih nevtronov smo idejno zasnovali konfiguracijo močno ščitenega detektorja in konverterja ter računsko določili učin- kovitost ščitenja.

Keywords:detekcija termičnih nevtronov, SiC polprevodniški detektorji, material konverterja, detekcija hitrih nevtronov, konverterji hitrih nevtronov, IJS TRIGA, Monte Carlo transport delcev, MCNP
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150447 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165935107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Development of converters for fast neutron detection with silicon carbide semiconductor detectors
Silicon carbide semiconductor material (SiC) is widely used in power electronics and in recent years, it has also been utilized as an alternative to $^3$He-based neutron gas detectors. SiC-based detectors are highly radiation-resistant, allow excellent dis- crimination between neutrons and gamma rays and offer an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. Neutron detection in semiconductor detectors involves the use of a material that interacts with neutrons, producing charged particles that can be detected in a semiconductor diode. This material is called a converter. The choice of converter depends on the energy spectrum of the neutrons of interest. For the detection of thermal neutrons, converters containing $^{6}$Li or $^{10}$B are used almost exclusively. This master’s thesis focuses on the investigation of converters for fast neutrons, consid- ering isotopes such as $^{40}$Ca, $^{39}$K, and $^{35}$Cl, which could enable sensitivity in the neutron energy range around 1 MeV, and the radioactive isotope $^{22}$Na. In the master’s thesis, a series of experimental measurements of the SiC detec- tor response with different configurations of KCl converters for fast neutrons were conducted at the TRIGA reactor at the Jožef Stefan Institute. However, the ob- tained experimental results did not confirm the contribution of the converter to the detection of fast neutrons, mainly due to the intrinsic response of the detector. The detector response was investigated computationally using particle transport simulations based on the Monte Carlo method with the MCNP program. Two approaches were used in the simulations with respect to the reaction rates of the selected isotopes, the direct approach and the two-step approach. The first step of the two-step approach was to define the neutron source and calculate the source of secondary charged particles resulting from neutron interactions in the converter. The second step was to define the source of secondary particles and calculate the detector response, i.e., the pulse spectrum due to the incident secondary particles. Computational analysis showed an extremely high response for the $^{22}$Na con- verter at energies below 0.5 MeV and an order of magnitude higher response than for the KCl and CaCl$_2$ converters. The energy spectra of KCl and CaCl$_2$ are very similar, as Cl is part of both materials and the isotopes $^{40}$Ca and $^{39}$K have similar threshold microscopic cross sections for the (n,p) reactions. We compared compu- tational and experimental results for the pulse spectrum in the diode and found few similarities. The calculated average energy of the repulsive nuclei is 0.77 MeV. We found that the intrinsic response of the detector is at least an order of magni- tude higher than the expected response with a fast neutron converter, which explains the experimental results. For further research on fast neutron converters, we con- ceptually designed a configuration of a heavily shielded detector and converter and computationally determined its shielding performance.

Keywords:thermal neutron detection, SiC semiconductor detectors, converter ma- terial, fast neutron detection, fast neutron converters, IJS TRIGA, Monte Carlo particle transport, MCNP

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