
Iskanje boljšega življenja v Evropi: aspiracije, imaginacije in afektivni svetovi mladih Turkinj v Istanbulu
ID Nared, Dagmar (Author), ID Bartulović, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi, ki temelji na večmesečni etnografski raziskavi v Istanbulski četrti Kadıköy, osvetljujem izkušnjo mladih turških žensk, ki se spopadajo z družinskimi ter družbenimi pritiski v sodobni Turčiji. Državo je namreč v zadnjih desetletjih zaznamovala sprememba nacionalne ideologije. Ta se je obrnila od sekularne in evropocentrične kemalistične politike Mustafe Kemal Atatürka, k islamistični struji pod vladavino Recepa Tayyipa Erdoğana, s čimer pa se je spremenil tudi status žensk v turški družbi. Izkušnje mladih Turkinj pričajo o kratenju pravic ter vse pogostejšem nasilju nad ženskami tako doma kot na ulicah. V kontekstu zgodovinsko zakoreninjenih ideoloških nasprotij med sekularizmom in islamizmom se vzpostavlja specifična afektivna atmosfera, kjer prevladujejo občutki tesnobe ter strahu. Zaradi politične klime se sogovornice usmerjajo v svojo prihodnost, zamišljeno v Evropi oz. v državah Evropske unije. Migracija v Evropo se izrisuje kot ključna strategija za doseganje občutka moči delovanja in samo-uresničitve, kar omogoča ženskam, da presežejo ideološke razpoke, ki so dolgo zaznamovale turški nacionalni diskurz in vsakdanjik. Naloga prikaže različne poti mladih Turkinj, ki si aktivno ali pa zgolj s sanjarjenjem in imaginacijo zamišljajo lastno prihodnost onkraj turških meja. Aktivno načrtovanje poti v Evropi se še posebej kaže v kontekstu viznega sistema, kjer mlade ženske spretno razvijajo strategije za preseganje birokratskih ovir, da bi dosegle svoj cilj – Evropo in/ali potni list, ki omogoča mobilnost. Naloga tako prikaže imaginacije, aspiracije in afektivne svetove mladih Turkinj v sodobnem Istanbulu.

Keywords:ženske v Turčiji, Istanbul, afektivne atmosfere, upanje, migracije, aspiracije, Evropa, imaginacije, vizni sistem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150442 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2023
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Title:In Search of a Better Life in Europe: Aspirations, Imaginations, and Affective Worlds of Young Turkish Women in Istanbul
In the master's thesis, based on a months-long ethnographic study in the Kadıköy district of Istanbul, I illuminate the experience of young Turkish women who are grappling with familial and societal pressures in contemporary Turkey. The country has been marked by a shift in national ideology over the past decades. This shift has transitioned from the secular and Eurocentric Kemalist policies of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to an Islamist trend under the rule of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, consequently altering the status of women in Turkish society as well. The experiences of young Turkish women testify to the curtailing of rights and the increasing prevalence of violence against women, both at home and on the streets. In the context of historically rooted ideological conflicts between secularism and Islamism, a specific affective atmosphere is established, characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear. Due to the political climate, the interviewees are directing their focus towards their future, envisioned in Europe or European Union countries. Migration to Europe is emerging as a key strategy to achieve a sense of agency and self-fulfilment, allowing women to transcend the ideological divides that have long marked Turkish national discourse and everyday life. The thesis depicts various paths taken by young Turkish women, who actively or even just through daydreaming and imagination, envision their own future beyond Turkish borders. The active planning of routes to Europe is particularly evident in the context of the visa system, where young women skilfully develop strategies to overcome bureaucratic obstacles in order to reach their goal – Europe and/or a passport that enables mobility. Thus, the thesis portrays the imaginations, aspirations, and affective worlds of young Turkish women in contemporary Istanbul.

Keywords:women in Turkey, Istanbul, migration, aspirations, Europe, atmosphere of fear, imaginations, visa regime

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