
"Feminine genius" danes: vloga in dostojanstvo žene v sodobnem svetu : diplomsko delo
ID Korošec, Elektra Katarina (Author), ID Bahovec, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izhodišče diplomske naloge je koncept žene, imenovan ženski genij ali feminine genius, ki ga je zasnoval papež Janez Pavel II. leta 1988 in temelji na štirih temeljnih lastnostih žene: sprejemanje, senzibilnost, velikodušnost in materinstvo. Na podlagi tega, je avtorica poskušala opredeliti sodobno žensko, prosto ideologij, ženo ki poskuša uresničevati svoje poslanstvo v luči sodobne družbe, znotraj družine, na trgu dela in v Cerkvi. Dojemanje ženske skozi prizmo feminine genius, je filozofsko-antropološka podlaga za oblikovanje novega feminizma, ki je se razvil znotraj Katoliške cerkve in temelji na premagovanju učinkov izvirnega greha: na sodelovanju med spoloma, ne da bi med njima prihajalo do izkoriščanja in vključevanju žene ter njenih darov in sposobnosti v vse sfere družbe. Pri tem mora družba tudi na trgu dela vselej ostajati odprta za poklic materinstva in primerno ovrednotiti ženino prizadevanje in uresničevanje znotraj družine. Kriterij, na podlagi katerega je avtorica umeščala ženo in vrednotila njeno poslanstvo, je dostojanstvo osebe. Po katoliškem nauku sta moški in ženska po dostojanstvu enaka, a sta si tudi temeljno različna: v svojem poslanstvu in uresničevanju v svetu. Upoštevanje dostojanstva je temeljna človekova pravica, zato je razumevanje le-tega nujno potrebno. Vprašanje dostojanstva žene, na podlagi katerega lahko ženo definiramo in umeščamo v družbo, odpira prostor za številne interpretacije, ki so si med seboj lahko zelo različne. Gre za stičišče različnih ideologij, pri čemer avtorica posebej izpostavi katoliško antropologijo ter pogled na človeka, moža, ženo in njuno dopolnjevanje.

Keywords:dostojanstvo osebe, izvirni greh, dopolnjevanje moža in žene, poklicanost žene, postmodernizem, vloga žene, teološka antropologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. K. Korošec]
Number of pages:VII, 60 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150391 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165987843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:"Feminine genius" today: the role and dignity of women in the modern world : diplomsko delo
The starting point of the thesis is the concept of the wife, called feminine genius, conceived by Pope John Paul II in 1989 and based on the four fundamental qualities of the wife: acceptance, sensitivity, generosity and motherhood. On this basis, the author has tried to define the modern woman, free from ideologies, a woman who tries to fulfil her mission in the light of modern society, within the family, in the labour market and in the Church. The perception of woman through the prism of feminine genius is the philosophical and anthropological basis for the creation of a new feminism within the Catholic Church, based on overcoming the effects of original sin: on cooperation between the sexes, without exploitation, and on the integration of woman and her gifts and abilities in all spheres of society. In doing so, society must always remain open to the vocation of motherhood and give due value to the woman's efforts and fulfilment within the family. The dignity of the person is the criterion on the basis of which the author placed the wife and valued her mission. According to Catholic teaching, man and woman are equal in dignity, but fundamentally different: in their mission and in their fulfilment in the world. Respect for dignity is a fundamental human right, and an understanding of it is essential. The question of the dignity of the wife, on the basis of which the wife can be defined and positioned in society, opens up the space for many interpretations, which can be very different from one another. It is a meeting point of different ideologies. The author particularly emphasises Catholic anthropology and the view of man, husband, wife and their complementarity.

Keywords:dignity of the person, original sin, complementarity of husband and wife, vocation of the wife, postmodernism, role of the wife, theological anthropology

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