
Pojmovanje dotika v vzgojnem in psihosocialnem delu z otroki in mladostniki : magistrsko delo
ID Velkavrh, Lara (Author), ID Klemenčič Rozman, Mija Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo predstavlja pomembne teorije, diskurze in koncepte ter rezultate dosedanjih raziskav in razmisleke o uporabi dotika pri vzgojnem in psihosocialnem delu z otroki in mladostniki. Teoretična študija združuje spoznanja o uporabi dotika s področij vzgoje in izobraževanja, socialnega varstva ter svetovanja in psihoterapije. V delu je predstavljen zgodovinski razvoj tematike, ki je v ospredje prišla šele v osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, in sicer po medijskih objavah o številnih zlorabah otrok. Delo razpravlja o pomembnosti in vplivu zgodovinskega ter družbenega konteksta na obravnavanje in pojmovanje dotika pri delu z otroki. Predstavljen je odnos strokovnih delavcev do dotika in strah, povezan z dotikanjem otrok, ki se je razširil v družbi in med strokovnimi delavci. Teoretična študija predstavlja spoznanja o razvojni nujnosti dotika za otroka in številne druge razloge, zaradi katerih strokovni delavci pri svojem delu uporabljajo dotik ali pa se mu raje izognejo. Pri tem je bila pozornost namenjena tudi kritični evalvaciji sedanjih smernic za uporabo dotika. Študija ponuja kompleksno razumevanje dotika, ki presega dualizem za ali proti dotiku, dotik kot dober ali slab in tako dalje. Kompleksno razumevanje dotika je predstavljeno na treh ravneh, preko Modela kompleksnega pojmovanja dotika. Ponujen je pregled diskurzov, ki prepletajo področje dotikanja otrok, nenazadnje pa je predstavljen nov diskurz, ki dotik razume kot kompleksen pojav.

Keywords:razumevanje in uporaba dotika, kompleksnost dotika, dotik v vzgojnem in psihosocialnem delu, kontekst uporabe dotika, smernice za uporabo dotika, otroci in mladostniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:L. Velkavrh
Number of pages:75 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150383 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-150383 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164738563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Conceptions of Touch in Educational and Psychosocial Work with Children and Adolescents
The work presents important theories, discourses, and concepts as well as the results of previous research and reflections on the use of touch in educational and psychosocial work with children and adolescents. The theoretical study combines insights into the use of touch from the fields of education, social work, counseling, and psychotherapy. The work introduces the historical development of the theme, which only came to the forefront in the 1980s, following media reports of numerous child abuses. The work discusses the significance and impact of historical and societal context on the treatment and perception of touch in working with children. The attitude of professionals toward touch is presented, along with the fear associated with touching children, which has spread in society and among professionals. The theoretical study presents insights into the developmental necessity of touch for a child and various other reasons why professionals use touch in their work or prefer to avoid it. Attention was also given to a critical evaluation of current guidelines for the use of touch. The study offers a complex understanding of touch that goes beyond the dichotomy of for or against touch, touch as good or bad, and so on. A complex understanding of touch is presented at three levels through the Complex Model of Understanding Touch. An overview of discourses that interweave the field of touching children is provided, and ultimately, a new discourse is presented that understands touch as a complex phenomenon.

Keywords:understanding and use of touch, complexity of touch, touch in educational and psychosocial work, context of touch use, guidelines for touch use, children and adolescents

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