
Doživljanje spolne identitete in spolne disforije ter evforije : magistrsko delo
ID Logar, Benyamin Yuu (Author), ID Podlesek, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spolna identiteta, spolna disforija in spolna evforija so konstrukti, ki so pomembni v življenju tako necisspolnih kot tudi cisspolnih oseb. Z magistrsko nalogo sem želel podrobneje proučiti doživljanje omenjenih konstruktov, da bi dodatno prispeval k njihovemu razumevanju, razširil psihološko literaturo in hkrati pripomogel k depatologizaciji transspolnih in spolno raznolikih oseb. Podatke sem zbiral s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji, analiziral pa sem jih po načelih interpretativne fenomenološke analize. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 17 udeleženk_cev, starih od 18 do 28 let, ki so opisale_i svoje doživljanje treh konstruktov. Njihova doživljanja so bila zelo raznolika, vendar se presenetljivo niso pojavile zelo velike razlike med cisspolnimi in necisspolnimi udeleženkami_ci. Celotnega vzorca niti ni bilo mogoče zanesljivo razdeliti na ti dve kategoriji, po poročanjih udeleženk_cev pa je spolna identiteta v veliki meri družbeno pogojena. To dvoje nakazuje na zabrisanost mej med različnimi spolnimi identitetami in odpira nova vprašanja o konstruktu, ki smo ga do sedaj velikokrat obravnavale_i kot samoumevnega. Spolno disforijo in spolno evforijo so doživljale_i skoraj vse_i udeleženke_ci ne glede na svojo spolno identiteto. Marsikateri opisi so se skladali s predhodno literaturo, nekaj ugotovitev pa nisem zasledil še nikjer. Čeprav magistrska raziskava nudi pregled nad doživljanjem treh konstruktov, kot so jih opisale_i udeleženke_ci, odpira več vprašanj kot odgovorov. S tem pa lahko služi kot odskočna deska za nadaljnje raziskovanje spolne identitete, spolne disforije in evforije

Keywords:spolna identiteta, spolna disforija, spolna evforija, interpretativna fenomenološka analiza, kvalitativno raziskovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Y. Logar]
Number of pages:93 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150379 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165524483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2023
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Title:Experiencing gender identity, gender dysphoria, and gender euphoria
Gender identity, gender dysphoria, and gender euphoria are constructs that are important in the lives of both non-cisgender and cisgender individuals. Through my master's thesis, I aimed to explore the experience of these constructs in greater detail, in order to contribute further to their understanding, expand psychological literature, and contribute to the depathologization of transgender and gender-diverse individuals. I collected data through semi-structured interviews and analysed it using the principles of interpretative phenomenological analysis. The study included 17 participants, aged 18 to 28, who described their experiences of the three constructs. While their experiences varied greatly, surprisingly significant differences did not emerge between cisgender and non-cisgender participants. The overall sample couldn't be reliably divided into these two categories, and participants' reports indicated that sexual identity is largely socially conditioned. This suggests a blurring of boundaries between different gender identities and raises new questions about a construct that has often been taken for granted. Almost all participants experienced gender dysphoria and gender euphoria, regardless of their gender identity. Many descriptions aligned with prior literature, while some findings were novel. Although the master's research provides an overview of the experience of the three constructs as described by the participants, it raises more questions than answers. Nevertheless, it can serve as a launching pad for further research into gender identity, gender dysphoria, and euphoria.

Keywords:gender identity, gender dysphoria, gender euphoria, interpretative phenomenological analysis, qualitative research

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