
Zgodovina Platonovih idej : nekaj primerov poznoantičnega in srednjeveškega eksemplarizma : magistrsko delo
ID Bobovnik, Nena (Author), ID Zore, Franci (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Weiss, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Alain de Libera platonizem simptomatično označi za fantom srednjega veka: čeprav filozofija tega obdobja izrašča iz aristotelskega teoretskega substrata, je v njej kljub temu najti precej platonizma. Kljub dejstvu, da je bil Timaj edino dostopno in zares brano Platonovo delo na latinskem srednjeveškem Zahodu, platonska filozofija nikoli ne zamre. Pričujoče magistrsko delo si tako zadaja dva temeljna cilja: pojasniti, v čem je moč odkriti neprekinjeno kontinuiteto platonizma od stare Akademije do zore humanizma, in spotoma preučiti razvoj Platonove filozofije in spremembe, ki so le-to doletele ob prenosu v srednjeveški latinski horizont. Posvetim se Platonovemu nauku o idejah in poistovetenju le teh z večnim vzorcem, z ozirom na katerega demiurg izdeluje svet. Začnem s kratkim prikazom tega toposa v Timaju in sledim razvoju poistovetenja Platonovih idej z idejami oziroma vzorci v Božjem umu, tj. eksemplarizmu od Seneke do Bonaventura. Kot se izkaže, sta tako slednji kot tudi Tomaž Akvinski priznavala obstoj platonskih idej kot vzorčnih idej v Božjem umu in to argumentirala s svojo različico teleološkega argumenta, ki ga je moč najti že v Timaju.

Keywords:platonizem, srednjeveška filozofija, Timaj, eksemplarizem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Bobovnik
Number of pages:93 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150378 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165557763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The history of Platonic ideas : some cases of late antique and medieval exemplarism : magistrsko delo
Alain de Libera symptomatically describes Platonism as the phantom of the Middle Ages: even though the medieval philosophy stems from an Aristotelian theoretical substrate, it nevertheless appears to be significantly marked by Platonism. Platonic philosophy thus persists despite the fact that the Timaeus was the only accessible and truly read Plato’s work in the Latin medieval West. The main objective of the present Master’s thesis is twofold: to uncover and explain the continuity of Platonism from the Old Academy to the dawn of humanism, and to examine the development of Platonic philosophy and the changes it was subjected to in its transition to the medieval Latin West. I focus on Plato’s doctrine of ideas in so far as they were identified with the eternal pattern after which the Demiurge constructed the world. I begin with a brief presentation of this topos in the Timaeus and then trace the identification of Platonic ideas with ideas in the mind of God, i.e. exemplarism, from Seneca to Bonaventure. As it turns out, both the latter and Thomas Aquinas acknowledged the existence of Platonic ideas as exemplary ideas in the mind of God, basing their arguments on a teleological argument which is, in turn, already found in the Timaeus.

Keywords:platonism, medieval philosophy, Timaeus, exemplarism

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