
Zora Plešnar: Podobe minevanja
ID Jamnik, Eva (Author), ID Vidrih, Rebeka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zora Plešnar (1925–2021) je bila mariborska fotografinja, ki je delovala vse od sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja do leta 2012, ko so nastali njeni zadnji zaokroženi fotografski cikli. Vznik njenega fotografskega ustvarjanja lahko datiramo v leto 1968, ko se je pridružila Fotoklubu Maribor, ki ji je ponujal odlično strokovno in motivacijsko podporo. Preko Fotokluba Maribor je Zora Plešnar stkala vezi, s katerimi se je rodilo osuplijvo število predvsem skupinskih razstav in drugih organizacijskih sistemov v fotografskem svetu. Morda je izmed slednjih najpomembnejše mesto, ki ga je Plešnar kot edina ženska zasedala v znameniti modernistični skupini Mariborski krog (1971–1974). Tako je sodelovala z marsikaterimi prominentnimi fotografi sedemdesetih in osemdesetih let v Sloveniji, kot so Janko Jelnikar, Ivan Dvoršak in Zmago Jeraj, ki so med drugim zaslužni za sooblikovanje statusa umetnosti fotografije, kot ga poznamo danes. Kljub temu, da je fotografinja večidel delovala v okolju izredno močnih ustvarjalcev, ji je uspelo suvereno kreirati samosvojo vizualno govorico. Glavnino fotografskega opusa Zore Plešnar predstavljajo različno obširni črno-beli ciklusi, ki so, prenekateri med številnimi potovanji, nastajali tudi deset let ali več. Čeprav se na prvi pogled tematika selekcij izkaže kot raznolika, se med njimi kontinuirano izrisuje rdeča nit – dotikajo se elementov minevanja, bežnosti, nestalnosti in začasnosti. Zora Plešnar je bila, najverjetneje zaradi svojega spola, v pregledih zgodovine slovenske fotografije pogosto izpuščena, tudi prvo korenito retrospektivno razstavo je doživela zelo pozno: leta 2019 v Umetnostni galeriji Maribor pri svojih štiriindevetdesetih letih.

Keywords:Zora Plešnar, Maribor, modernistična fotografija, Mariborski krog, črno-beli fotografski cikli.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150365 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:174110723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2023
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Title:Zora Plešnar: Depictions of Passing
Zora Plešnar (1925–2021) was a photographer from Maribor who worked from the seventies of the last century until 2012, when her last rounded photographic cycles were created. The origin of her photographic work can be dated back to 1968, when she joined the photoclub Fotoklub Maribor, which offered her excellent professional and motivational support. Through Fotoklub Maribor, Zora Plešnar wove ties that led to the birth of an astonishing number of community exhibitions and other organizational systems in the world of photography. Perhaps the most significant of the latter is the place that Plešnar held as the only woman in the famous modernist group Mariborski krog (1971–1974). Thus, she collaborated with many prominent photographers of the 1970s and 1980s in Slovenia, such as Janko Jelnikar, Ivan Dvoršak and Zmago Jeraj, who, among other things, are responsible for co-shaping the status of the art of photography as we know it today. Even though the photographer mostly worked in an environment of extremely powerful creators, she managed to sovereignly create her own visual language. The bulk of Zora Plešnar's photographic opus is represented by variously extensive black and white cycles, some of which were created for ten years or more during many trips. Although at first glance the subject matter of the selections appears to be diverse, there is a continuous common thread between them - they touch on the elements of passing, transience, impermanence and temporality. Zora Plešnar was often left out of overviews of the history of Slovenian photography, most likely because of her gender, and she also experienced her first radical retrospective exhibition very late: in 2019 at the Maribor Art Gallery at the age of ninety-four.

Keywords:Zora Plešnar, Maribor, modernist photography, Maribor circle, black and white photographic cycles.

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