
O splošnem slovenskem ženskem društvu 1901–1945 : s poudarkom na članicah leta 1935 : diplomsko delo
ID Gjura, Ana Nuša (Author), ID Selišnik, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo skuša osvetliti glaven namen, naloge in delovanje Splošnega Slovenskega Društva (SSŽD). Ukvarja se predvsem s članicami prvega feminističnega društva na slovenskih tleh, identificiranih na podlagi članske knjige in seznama članic iz leta 1935. Avtorica se je osredotočila na prikaz njihovih zasebnih okoliščin. Ugotavljala je, ali so bile obravnavane ženske poročene, samske, vdove ali ločene, so morda opravljale kakšen poklic in ali so imele otroke ali ne. Opazila je, da so članice, v duhu časa in razmer, v veliki večini živele družinsko življenje žene, gospodinje in mame. Med tistimi, ki so se ukvarjale z določenim delom, so bile najbolj pogoste tiste, ki so se posvečale učiteljevanju. Za članice SSŽD leta 1935 je značilna starostna pestrost, kar kaže na to, da zavzemanje za volilno pravico in vstop žensk na trg delovne sile ter izobraževanja, ni bilo zgolj modna muha ene same generacije.

Keywords:Splošno slovensko žensko društvo, članice, zasebne okoliščine, zakonski stan, poklic
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. N. Gjura
Number of pages:84 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150361 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:167283715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The General Slovene Women's Association 1901 – 1945 : with an emphasis on members in 1935 : diplomsko delo
The thesis aims to illuminate the main purpose, tasks, and functioning of the General Slovene Women's Association (GSWA). It primarily focuses on the members of the first feminist association in Slovenian territory, identified based on the membership book and the list of members from the year 1935. The author concentrates on presenting their private circumstances. She investigated whether the women under consideration were married, single, widowed, or divorced, whether they pursued any profession, and whether they had children or not. She observed that the members, in accordance with the era and the circumstances, predominantly led domestic lives as wives, housewives, and mothers. Among those engaged in specific work field, the most common were the ones dedicated to teaching. The membership of GSWA in 1935 exhibits diversity in terms of age, indicating that the advocacy for suffrage, women's entry into the labour force, and education wasn't merely a passing trend of a single generation.

Keywords:General Slovene Women's Association, members, private circumstances, marital status, profession

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