
Reakcije neelastičnega sipanja za dozimetrijo epitermičnih nevtronov : magistrsko delo
ID Znoj, Urban (Author), ID Bavdek, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Radulović, Vladimir (Comentor)

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Nevtronska dozimetrija, t. j. merjenje nevtronskega fluksa oz. fluence, je v jedrskih napravah bistvenega pomena. V jedrskih elektrarnah merijo fluenco nevtronov na tlačni posodi reaktorja, kar omogoča oceno radiacijskih poškodb v materialu tlačne posode (dislokacij atomov v kristalni mreži), ki s časom privedejo do povečanja krhkosti (angl. embrittlement). Glavni prispevek pri tem imajo hitri nevtroni, prispevek epitermičnih nevtronov pa ni zanemarljiv. Dozimetrijske jedrske reakcije, ki so občutljive na epitermično energijsko področje, so maloštevilne, oblike reakcijskih presekov pa so v splošnem slabše znane in neraziskane. Cilj magistrskega dela je raziskati merljivost reakcijskih hitrosti za nov nabor jedrskih reakcij neelastičnega sipanja, oz. tipa (n,n'), ki bi lahko bile uporabne za dozimetrijo epitermičnih nevtronov. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo se najprej posvetili zgodovini radioaktivnosti, opredelili atome in njihovo zgradbo ter predstavili radioaktivnost in jedrske reakcije. Nadalje smo opisali jedrske razpade in predstavili reakcije z nevtroni. Opisali smo radioaktivno razpadanje in hitrost ter presek za reakcijo. Prav tako smo definirali in opisali nevtronsko aktivacijsko analizo ter reaktorsko dozimetrijo. Nato smo na kratko predstavili še osnove verjetnostnega računa in statistike. Eksperimentalni del magistrskega dela je bil osredotočen na obsevanja vzorcev na raziskovalnem reaktorju TRIGA na Institutu »Jožef Stefan«, meritve spektrov žarkov gama z germanijevimi detektorji visoke čistosti (angl. High Purity Germanium – HPGe) ter izračune reakcijskih hitrosti na podlagi izmerjenih rezultatov. Reakcijske hitrosti smo neodvisno izračunali na podlagi znanega spektra nevtronov ter jedrskih podatkov iz knjižnic jedrskih podatkov IRDFF-II (International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File) – specializirane knjižnice za nevtronsko dozimetrijo ter ENDF/B-VIII.0 – knjižnice za splošno uporabo. Izračunane vrednosti smo nato primerjali z reakcijskimi hitrostmi, ki smo jih pridobili z meritvami. Ugotovili smo, da je merjenje reakcijskih hitrosti za reakcije tipa (n,n') pogosto oteženo, a vredno nadaljnjih raziskav v kontekstu nevtronske dozimetrije, ter osvetlili nekaj ovir pri tem.

Keywords:jedrska fizika, nevtronski spekter, nevtronska aktivacijska analiza, (n, n') reakcije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:U. Znoj
Number of pages:XIII, 82 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150242 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-150242 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164813315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Inelastic Scattering Reactions for Epithermal Neutron Dosimetry
Neutron dosimetry, i.e., the measurement of neutron flux or fluence, is of essential importance in nuclear facilities. In nuclear power plants, neutron fluence is measured on the reactor pressure vessel, enabling the assessment of radiation damage to the vessel material (dislocation of atoms in the crystal lattice), which over time leads to increased embrittlement. Fast neutrons make the main contribution, while the contribution of epithermal neutrons is not negligible. Nuclear reactions sensitive to the epithermal energy range are few, and the shapes of reaction cross-sections are generally less known and unexplored. The objective of this master's thesis is to investigate the measurability of reaction rates for a new set of inelastic scattering nuclear reactions, specifically the (n,n') type, which could be useful for epithermal neutron dosimetry. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we first focused on the history of radioactivity, defined atoms and their structure, and introduced radioactivity and nuclear reactions. We then described nuclear decays and presented neutron reactions. We described radioactive decay and rate and cross-section for the reaction. We also defined and described neutron activation analysis and reactor dosimetry. We briefly introduced the basics of probability theory and statistics. The experimental part of the master's thesis focused on irradiating samples at the TRIGA research reactor at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), measuring gamma ray spectra with high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors, and calculating reaction rates based on the measured results. We independently calculated the reaction rates based on known neutron spectra and nuclear data from the IRDFF-II (International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File) library specialized for neutron dosimetry and the ENDF/B-VIII.0 library for general use. The calculated values were then compared with the reaction rates obtained from measurements. We found that measuring reaction rates for (n,n') type reactions was challenging but worth further research in the context of neutron dosimetry, and we highlighted some obstacles in this regard.

Keywords:nuclear physics, neutron spectrum, neutron activation analysis, (n, n’) reactions

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