
Samomor: stališča in pregled 19. stoletja na Slovenskem (s poudarkom na zadnjem desetletju) : diplomsko delo
ID Tomše, Fredi (Author), ID Cergol Paradiž, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Samomor je dejanje, s katerim si človek namerno povzroči lastno smrt. V 19. stoletju se samomor, tako v Evropi kot tudi v Sloveniji, ni več obravnaval kot posledica greha, temveč norosti. Pričujoče diplomsko delo se ukvarja s stališči in pregledom samomora v zadnjem desetletju 19. stoletja na Slovenskem. Najprej je predstavljena opredelitev pojma samomora, najpogostejši vzroki in načini, v nadaljevanju pa se delo osredotoči na samo pojmovanje samomora v 19. stoletju. Prevladujoče mnenje je bilo, da je samomor v porastu, zato so se v 19. stoletju začele izvajati razne raziskave glede te tematike, kljub temu pa je bil samomor še vedno strogo stigmatiziran in obsojan. Med sočasnim razvojem statistične študije samomora se je tudi v medicinski stroki uveljavil nov pristop, ki je na prehodu v 20. stoletje samomor začel povezovati z duševnimi motnjami. Osrednji namen naloge je prikazati pregled stališč in grobe statistike samomora na Slovenskem. Dojemanje samomora je bilo odvisno od kulturnih, verskih in družbenih dejavnikov. V evropskih državah je v duhu razsvetljenstva potekala ponovna opredelitev dejanja samomora, z njo pa dekriminalizacija slednjega. V krščanski tradiciji je samomor veljal kot greh, zato je bil kaznovan in stigmatiziran. Takšnega stališča so se držali tudi katoliški moralisti. Njihovi nasprotniki, liberalci, samomora niso obsojali, vendar so javnost skušali ozaveščati glede te tematike. Poleg omenjenih stališč se naloga ukvarja tudi s stališčem o dednosti, ki pravi, da naj bi imeli samomorilci določene biološke predispozicije. Stališče in iz slednjega izpeljane teorije so bile med stoletjem ovržene. Konec naloge se ukvarja s pregledom samomora na Slovenskem med leti 1890 in 1900. Po pregledanem časopisju sledi analiza starosti in spola oseb. Proučeni bodo tudi morebitni vzroki in načini, s katerimi so te osebe naredile samomor.

Keywords:samomor, 19. stoletje, pregled, stališča, liberalci, katoliki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:F. Tomše
Number of pages:66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150224 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:171724547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Suicide: attitudes and overview of the 19th century Slovenia (with emphasis on the last decade)
Suicide is the act of deliberately causing one's own death. In the 19th century, both in Europe and Slovenia, suicide was no longer seen as the result of sin, but of madness. The following thesis deals with attitudes towards suicide and an overview of suicide in the last decade of the 19th century Slovenia. First, the definition of suicide, the most common causes and methods are presented, and then the thesis focuses on the conception of suicide itself in the 19th century. The prevailing opinion was that suicide was increasing, and various studies on the subject began to be undertaken in the 19th century, yet suicide was still strictly stigmatised and condemned. At the same time as the statistical study of suicide was evolving, a new approach was also developing in the medical field, which began to link suicide with mental disorders at the turn of the 20th century. The main aim of this thesis is to present an overview of the attitudes and rough statistics of suicide in Slovenia. The perception of suicide depended on cultural, religious, and social factors. In European countries, in the spirit of the Enlightenment, the act of suicide was redefined and decriminalised. In the Christian tradition, suicide was considered a sin and was therefore punished and stigmatised. This was also the position of Catholic moralists. Their opponents, the liberals, did not condemn suicide, but tried to raise public awareness on the subject. In addition to these attitudes, the thesis also deals with the attitude of heredity, which states that people, who committed suicides should have certain biological predispositions. This attitude and the theories derived from it have been refuted over the centuries. The end of the thesis deals with an overview of suicide in Slovenia between 1890 and 1900. After newspapers have been examined, an analysis of the age and sex of the person follows. The possible causes and methods by which these people committed suicide will also be analysed.

Keywords:suicide, 19th century, overview, attitudes, liberals, Catholics

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