
Izzivi v domovih starejših občanov med epidemijo covida-19: pogled študentov vključenih v 'covid odprave' : magistrsko delo
ID Kozina, Adriana (Author), ID Čehovin Zajc, Jožica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Milavec Kapun, Marija (Comentor), ID Kavčič, Matic (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Epidemija covida-19 je močno zaznamovala življenje stanovalcev in delo zaposlenih v domovih starejših občanov. Namen: Namen raziskave je bil preučiti izzive za zaposlene in stanovalce v domovih starejših občanov med epidemijo covida-19 v Sloveniji, kot so jih zaznavali študentje zdravstvenih ved, ko so bili vključeni v delo v okviru t. i. 'covid odprav'. Metode dela: Uporabili smo integrativni raziskovalni pristop. Izvedli smo deset pol-strukturiranih poglobljenih intervjujev z devetimi študenti, vključenimi v delo v 13 domovih starejših občanov med epidemijo covida-19 in opravili analizo vsebine s programom NVivo. Za ugotavljanje povezav med dejavniki, smo vse študente, vključene v 'covid odpravo' povabili k izpolnitvi ankete in zbrali odgovore 83 študentov (53 % vseh študentov vključenih v 'covid odprave'). Podatke smo statistično analizirali s programom SPSS Statistic 27. Z metodo glavnih komponent smo iz večjega števila indikatorjev pridobili manjše število glavnih komponent. Z multivariatno linearno regresijo smo preverjali kako so z oceno uspešnosti spoprijemanja z epidemijo covida-19 povezani resursi, organiziranost dela zaposlenih in prebivanja stanovalcev ter izvajanje ukrepov. Naredili smo tudi analizo vsebine odgovorov na odprta vprašanja v anketi, s katerimi smo preverjali rezultate analize vsebine intervjujev na večjem vzorcu. Rezultati: Največji izzivi v domovih starejših občanov med epidemijo covida-19 so bili a) neustrezni prostorski resursi, pomanjkanje ustrezno izobraženega kadra in slabša kakovost osebne varovalne opreme na področju resursov b) pomanjkanje jasnih smernic in težave pri zagotavljanju kakovostnega prebivanja stanovalcev ob implementaciji ukrepov na področju organiziranosti dela in prebivanja stanovalcev in c) pomanjkanje znanja in doslednosti zaposlenih na področju izvajanja ukrepov. Multivariatna linearna regresija je pokazala, da sta z oceno uspešnosti spoprijemanja z epidemijo covida-19 v domovih za starejše občane statistično značilno linearno povezani komponenti 'Odkrivanje okužb in organizacija prostorov za zaposlene' ter 'Organizacija izolacije in prebivanja stanovalcev'. Razprava in zaključek: Epidemija covida-19 je pokazala nepripravljenost domov starejših občanov na izbruh epidemij bolezni kot je covid-19. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave se lahko za prihodnost ustrezneje pripravijo na podobne situacije z zagotavljanjem ustreznih resursov (materialnih, kadrovski in prostorskih) in načrtov za delo, ki jih morajo poznati tudi zaposleni.

Keywords:magistrska dela, zdravstvena nega, SARS-CoV-2, institucionalno varstvo starejših, obvladovanje okužb, 'covid odprave'
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Kozina]
Number of pages:139 str., [30] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150210 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164777219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Issues in nursing homes during Covid-19 epidemic: perception of students included in 'covid expeditions' : master thesis
Introduction: The covid-19 epidemic has greatly affected the life of residents and work of staff in nursing homes. Purpose: The purpose of study was to examine the challenges faced by nursing homes' residents and staff during the Covid-19 epidemic as perceived by students of health sciences while working in the nursing homes within 'covid expeditions'. Methods: We used an integrative research strategy. We conducted ten semi-structured in-depth interviews with nine students included in ‘covid expeditions’ during the Covid-19 epidemic. Later, we conducted a survey with larger sample. We collected answers from 83 students (53 % of all students included in ‘covid expeditions’). The data obtained from the interviews were subjected to content analysis using the NVivo coding program. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analysed using the statistical data processing program SPSS statistics 27. The principal component method was used to identify a smaller number of principal components from a larger number of indicators. We used multivariate linear regression to examine how resources, the organization of staff’ work and the residents’ stay, and implementation of measures were related to the evaluation of success in managing the epidemic. We also analysed the content of responses to the open-ended questions to verify the results of the interview content analysis. Findings: The main challenges in nursing homes were a.) insufficient space resources, staff shortage, and poor quality of personal protective equipment in the area of resources b.) lack of clear guidelines and difficulties in ensuring a high quality of stay for residents in the area of the organization of staff’ work and the residents’ stay c.) lack of knowledge and consistency of staff in the area of implementing measures. Multivariate linear regression showed that the components 'Detection of infections and premises for staff' and 'Organization of isolations and residents' stay' were statistically significantly linearly correlated with the evaluation of success in managing the epidemic. Discussion and conclusion: The Covid-19 epidemic has shown how unprepared nursing homes are for an outbreak of diseases like Covid-19. Based on research results, they could prepare for possible similar situations by ensuring adequate resources and work plans.

Keywords:master theses, nursing care, SARS-CoV-2, nursing homes, infection control, 'covid expeditions'

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